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- ItemAffordable Housing in Area C(2016) Khalifa, Yazan; Zawawi, ZahraaThe main idea of this project is to have an affordable housing with an affordable standard, and cost, the selected area C, chosen for many reason, the most important reason is the cost of this type of area, the location of the project was in Jerusalem governorate, north of Biet-Hanina (Town), south of Bier-Nabala. The total area of the project is 446.5 acres, include: Residential area, commercial area, open spaces, service area, urban future expansion area and roads.
- ItemAffordable Housing in Palestine(2016) Shamlouli, Mohammad; Zawawi, Zahraa
- ItemAgricultural – Low income Housing(2016) Jaber, Noor; Abdelhamid, AliThe idea of the project low-income agricultural housing is to create a housing in Qalqilya which designed primarily to meet the needs of the population there in terms of providing space and housing for members to ease overcrowding on the city as well as to protect the territory of the province of the seizure. agricultural housing is allocated to the category of farmers, according to the construction and organization of housing law2011, it is building 100 m2 Per unit) on a piece of land area up dunumm however the social housing is directed to individuals with low-income housing in the community so that residential units are phrases for apartments with small spaces condominium. We will test the appropriate location for the project (100 acres) by developing specific determinants contribute to the selection of the optimum location for the project. Then the second stage is the analysis of the chosen site, the you analyzed the project environment and the factors influencing them, and how to access and movement and transportation and the other for the good design of the project later. After the that I set the goals and vision for the project and work plan for the design of the project. The final stage of the project has been designed so that you project you beginning to distribute zones & ratios spaces then you distribute the street network and the distribution of housing units in the project and the services needed by individuals within the project. After the previous initial design process you design the project in detail on the AutoCAD program to get to the final output, which is a master plan for the project as well as detailed plans.
- ItemAgro-Indastrial park in Qalqilia (2018-05) Taha, Tamara; Abdelhamid, AliThis research focused on the planning of an agro-industrial zone in the city of Qalqilya that serves the national level. It is a recent subject in Palestine and its importance is due to the need for it and the benefit it provides to us in economic and planning areas. And to provide employment opportunities for many citizens. In this research, several chapters were dealt with from the beginning of the research, the presentation of the research problem and its importance, the concepts and terminology related to agriculture and industry in Palestine, and similar study cases for the project to benefit from the experiences of other countries. , And then access to the justification of the project and the selection of the city of Qalqilya, and the analysis of the site to exit the scheme of the industrial agricultural area, which addressed many of the problems experienced by the city in terms of indiscriminate spread of factories between the residential neighborhoods, as well as workshops and workshops and random spread of animals House of residential houses to find Has a productive and effective place and serves the citizens in a cost-effective and effective positive and where the plantations that are famous for the province and the agricultural areas in them for marketing and manufacturing to find a material return and useful interest on a larger level
- ItemAshajayea After War , a Livable Neighborhood !(2017) Saleh, Raghad; AbdelHamid, AliIn this project, I studied the effects of the war on the Gaza Strip and took Ashajaeya neighborhood as a case study. During the work I focused on several sectors of analysis such as the effects of the war on the housing sector, health, education, culture and agriculture. After analyzing the effects I developed a vision for the reconstruction and development of Shajaiya neighborhood. The project included two parts, the first reconstruction and repair of the destruction caused by the war, and the second part, the development to make it a habitable neighborhood and the construction of new housing and service facilities. The result is an master plan of new and old facilities and schools as well as other sectors and new residential areas, as well as strengthening the industry and infrastructure sector, taking into consideration the culture and nature of the population in the neighborhood and the requirements of the population through communication with them .
- ItemCivic Center (Boulevard): For Metropolitan Ramallah, Albireh and Beituniya(2018-05-20) قواسمة, تالاالى اي مدى سوف يتحمل المركز التجاري الحالي في منطقة المتروبوليتان (رام الله, البيرة, بيتونيا) التوسع ؟ و هل هناك بديل ؟ الجواب هو ليس لمدى طويل, بالواقع قد وصل الى اعلى مستويات التوسع و حان الوقت لايجاد بديل لهذا المركز التجاري, و طبعا يوجد عدة بدائل, و لكن اجداها هي انشاء مركز بديل عن المركز الحالي و ذلك لخلق عدة مراكز لهذه المنطقة مما يخفف الضغط على المركز الحالي و يوجد مساحات اكبر من التوسع. تم اختيار موقع المشروع بناءا على عدة عوامل اجتمعت حتى يقع الاختيار على منطقة غرب رام الله حيث يتجه التوسع و تم اقتراح الموقع ايضا من قبل مخطط الاطار التوجيهي الذي تم اعداده من قبل وحدة التعاون المشترك ما بين البلديات الثلاثه (رام الله, البيرة, بيتونيا). الحاجة لمثل هذا المشروع انبثقت من الحاجة لوجود مركز بديل مخطط و منظم و لعدم قدرة المراكز الحالية على اسيتعاب التوسع, للمساهمة ايضا في انماء الاقتصاد الفلسطيني و ايجاد فرص عمل و هو باعتبار بؤرة منظمة للتوسع العمراني في المراحل القادمة. سيوفر المشروع بالاضافة للخدمات التجارية, سيوفر المساحات المناسبة للمواطنين من مناطق خضراء و ممرات مشاة, ايضا سيتم توفير الخدمات الغير متوافرة في المنطقة و ذلك من منطلق التكاملية و الاندماج مع المحيط. هنالك ايضا منشأت لدعم الجانب الثقافي و الفني في المجتمع. و بالا ضافة الى الاهتمام ب دعم الجانب السياحي و توفير المرافق المناسبة له. To what extent can the existing commercial center in the metropolitan (Ramallah, Albireh and Betunia) bear the expansion? and is there any alternative? The answer is not for long, actually it has reached the peak of expansion and its almost time to find and alternative for this commercial center, and of course there are many alternatives, but the most suitable one is creating an alternative commercial center and that is for creating multi centers which decreases the pressure on the current one and creates larger spaces for expansion. The project’s site has been chosen based in several factors, all met until the choice has been set on the west area of Ramallah city where the expansion is already taking a place, also that this site has been suggested by the cooperation unit between the three municipalities of (Ramallah, Albireh and Betunia). The need for such a project has raised through the need of having an alternative planned and organized center and for the inability of current centers to expand, also to contribute in the Palestinian economy and creating new job opportunities, and it’s considered as an organized focal point for urban expansion in the upcoming stages. This project will provide in advance to the commercial services, the suitable spaces for citizens from green areas and pedestrian walkways, also the missing services in the area in order of integration with the surrounding. There are also facilities to support the cultural and arts aspects in the society, plus the interest in supporting the tourism aspect and providing the suitable facilities for it.
- ItemCollaborative Planning for the North East of Nablus(2017) Hamadneh, Aseel; Abdelhamid, AliThe study deals with the issue of joint planning among local bodies. It contains six chapters, starting with a general introduction to the project, its justifications and objectives which can be summarized in contributing to the process of organizing and developing balanced and sustainable planning and development policy in order to promote the communities in the adjacent area Regional and sub-regional linkages between these bodies, taking into account the comprehensive and complementary trends of growth and development and the needs of the population for the use of land and basic services for all communities and not separately from each other, and strengthen the relationship between these Communities on the one hand and their relationship with the other nearby urban centers, and this would provide the impetus for better cooperation between local bodies and support integrated and standardization policy in viable communities. Is then dealt with the theoretical framework of the models and theories of planning and land use, which formed the basis in theory has been guided by it. The rationale and criteria for selecting the joint planning area are discussed. The clusters (Asira Al Shamaliya, Yaseed, Talluza, Al-Badhan and Al Fara'a) are considered to meet these criteria. Then begins the diagnosis, analysis and evaluation of all development sectors in the planning area trip, and draw the determinants and potential development. As these communities are developing in terms of population increase and inadequate services and imbalance between the population and resources, as well as weak relationship with the surrounding surrounding communities because of the dominance of urban centers and proximity to the city of Nablus, as well as poor planning, which are isolated from each other despite the creep of these gatherings and and lack of integration in the economic and social activities and the lack of development and development projects that would promote these communities, in addition to the lack of interest in agricultural lands and cultural and natural heritage, despite the richness of these communities Local development, especially tourism and provide future gemzo. Strategic directions and objectives for development have been developed in all fields in line with the types and types of resources available to them and how to use these resources and thus enhance their ability to grow and develop within a realistic and viable sub-regional plan to promote the local environment and improve the social and economic conditions of the population. The main idea is to achieve the residential, service and economic development in line with the needs of each community and to meet the needs of the future as a result of the increase in population, by directing development and development towards making Asira Al-Shamaliya an administrative services center,
- ItemCollaborative Planning for The Northern Valley - Tubas(2017) Sawafta, Majdoleen; Zawawi, Zahraa
- ItemDeveloping of The Olynpic Villages(2017) Fares, Raghad; Zawawi, ZahraaThe Israeli Occupation and his restrictions imposed on the Palestinian people make it is necessary to have an outlet in the recreational activities, but with lack of Palestinian sports facilities ,it necessary to create a sports edifice containing all sports by Olympic standards to to attract international matches which strengthes internal Internal and external tourism . After we study the current situation of sports facilities, We have noticed a few number of stadiums with international standards and many historical places that need to promote tourism to increase tourism in the Palestinian territories, These places have historical and religious value of many Muslims and Christians All over the world. Hence was born the idea , where we focus on the Bethlehem city , which is the most tourist destination in Palestine that have many service facilities, hotels and strategic location near Jerusalem and Jericho city which is the only crossing for the population of the West Bank . The presence of the Palace of Conferences and the Solomon's Pools in addition to the AlKhader Stadium ,This combination of sports and tourism makes AL khader , Doha and Artas villages is the most appropriate place to develop the Olympic villages near the stadium and the Palace of conferences that we can use it to coverage the Olympic competitions. The Output of this study is master plan of the Olympic villages. It aims to creating an outlet for the Palestinian people and adding a motivation to stabilize the population in their lands and to make attention to the Palestinian countryside.
- ItemDeveloping Urban Public Spaces in the City of Jerich(2019-02-22) Zaghab, Nasim; Zawawi, Dr. Zahraa’ABSTRACT The urban public spaces have always been a major concern in Palestine. The public realm in the city of Jericho is also a major concern for the citizens and for the planners. Therefore, this research and thesis focuses on the public realm and its related spaces. It presents the urban spaces in the city of Jericho, diagnosis them, evaluates them, proposes new emerging spaces and finds solutions for issues this sector might have. The City of Jericho is like no other city in the West Bank. It has what makes it special. For a starter, it is a border city. It’s the only exit a Palestinian in the West Bank can go through to the outside world. It’s has two strong economic powers: agriculture and tourism. It has a relatively well-planned road-network. It’s a sufficient city since it has its own water resources and a variety of industrial consumption fields. It has no overcrowded population. Most importantly: it has the potential for a great urban development. The research will get into the study area’s characteristics, features and aspects. Urban spaces include a variety of categories. Mainly, they’re categorized as: 1- External public spaces (parks, squares, streets, etc.). 2- Interior public spaces (municipal halls, governmental facilities, post offices, etc.). 3- Semi-public interior and exterior spaces (restaurants, museums, tourism sites, etc.). The research gets into these spaces in details. Interventions in the sector of public spaces is a must in the City of Jericho, as what the analysis will show. The city’s residents require for and need spaces that do not exist. The concept to generate public spaces for the public real is not there yet in policies that decision makers adopt. The research will get into two types of interventions: 1- City scale: projects that interfere with the city as a whole. 2- Detailed planning scale: projects that are mainly related to the city CBD. Despite the scale, interventions were categorized in 5: 1- Transportation-related. 2- Tourism-related. 3- Beautification-related. 4- Greenery-related. 5- Economic-related. The main outcome of these interventions is a set of several projects that would benefit the public realm in the city. The final outcome is a masterplan with policies attached.
- ItemDevelopment and planning of the industrial zone in Nablus(2018-05) Al-fares, Ruqaya; Zawawi, ZahraaThe industrial zones are an important component of the city because of their important role in pushing the national and local economy by encouraging and supporting local industries and preserving them, reducing dependence on imports, self-sufficiency, encouraging exports and encouraging investment in these areas. Since the economic aspect is one of the main pillars of the growth and development of countries, we must maintain the supportive aspects of this pillar. From here, we point to the importance and necessity of industrial areas’ planning and design so that it can perform its task efficiently. The project of Developing and re-planning the industrial area in Nablus city was chosen for this purpose. It aims to study the area, diagnose its current situation, analyze it, define its advantages and disadvantages, and take it as a starting point towards the development and replanning of the area in order to find solutions to the problems that beset it and to maintain its industrial activity and its economic vitality, and thus we can save the industrial position of Nablus city, which has known since ancient times. A methodology was adopted during the work on the project in order to achieve its objective. This methodology was based on the study of the previous researches and studies on the industrial area of Nablus city, conducting personal interviews and field surveys in order to obtain accurate and detailed information and data to diagnose the status quo to the industrial area, analyzing it and defining the most important problems experienced by the region and then starting towards the stage of interventions, which took two directions, one towards the organization, which concerned the organization of the industrial zone with its various elements and the other towards development, which was based on the treatment and improvement of the design status of the area. It is important to mention that these two trends proceed in parallel to produce an industrial zone in accordance with the planning criteria of the industrial zones, thus it will conduct its role in developing the economic pillar efficiently and provide a comfortable and safe working environment for its employees. Two final outputs of the project were achieved, the first one is a structural plan for the industrial zone and its immediate vicinity - by which the interventions have been illustrated - supported by a series of regulations that guarantee the achievement of the plan, and a database of the industrial area with its various elements (buildings, roads, spaces, etc.) was conducted and can be used for different studying purposes of the area. In conclusion, we recommend a completion of a planning guide for industrial zones with standards and bases compatible with our country, which is an important element for the planning and maintenance of industrial areas and unfortunately it is missed in Palestine.
- ItemDevelopment of the local economy in the town of Azzun(2018) Jaber, Haneen; Abdelhamid, AliThe concept of local economic development is one of the concepts that should be emphasized in our Palestinian reality because of the occupation and its control over most of the natural and cultural resources that can be a source of support for the local economy. Therefore, efforts must be intensified from the private and public sectors to preserve the resources and marketing of Palestinian products, and to provide employment opportunities for the workers who work in israel. The project aims to preserve the land and protect it from settlements, empower communities to optimize the use of available resources, link local authorities with a strategic plan to support each other, and expand economic base and employment opportunities through the creation of strategic programs and projects to remove epochs and facilitate investment. The study site was chosen in the midlle of Qalqiliya governorate (AZZOUN), because i noted the existence of economic elements in the region. The project includes the diagnostic elements through which the information on the region was collected and analyzed in order to reach the developmental needs and projects to achieve the vision that was developed based on the resources available in the region. Finally, the development plan Local Economy Development Plan for AZZOUN
- ItemDevelopment of The Local Economy in The Villages of West Salfit(2017) Shqair, Atheer; Zawawi, ZahraaThe concept of local economic development is one of the concepts that should emphasized in our Palestinian reality because of the occupation and its control over most of the natural and cultural resources that can be a source of support for the local economy and competition of Israeli products for Palestinian products that negatively affect the local economy. In order to reserve the resources and marketing of Palestinian products and to provide employment opportunities for young workers working in occupied lands. The Local Economic Development Project aims to preserve and protect the land from settlement and enable local communities to make optimal use of available resources and link local authorities with a strategic plan to support each other, expand the economic base and create jobs by developing a strategy to remove obstacles and facilitation investment. The research site chosen in the west of Salfit Governorate (mahsa, Al Zawyah, Rafat, Derblout). The research includes many elements, including the diagnosis by which information collected and analyzed to reach the needs of the region to determine the vision to achieve. It must work to develop an integrated plan for the local economic development of the study area
- ItemDevelopment of urban spaces in the city of Tulkarem(2017-05) Sabbareni, Heba; Abdelhamid, AliThe study talks about analysis and diagnosis of the urban spaces in Tulkarm city , accordingly ,system for the calculation of urban spaces was proposed within a criteria and planning principles necessary to provide a healthy, environmental and recreational life for the population. The study relied on the descriptive approach that describes the development of urban spaces , the analytical approach shows the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the urban spaces in Tulkarm city . Finally, the constructive approach, which offers proposals and solutions for the development of urban spaces .
- ItemDivided Palestine to Development Planning Regions(2017) Jarrar, Hoda; AbdelHamid, AliIn planning, the operation of determining regions is one of the most important tasks that regional planning considers where development plans depend on, in order to perform its work taking into account the national, regional and local planning levels under the main framework of the country. The importance of this research appears clearly in that it is such an unprecedented step to determine development planning regions in Palestine which depends on national development plans. Because of the lack planning in regional level and non existence of the determinant regions that are built on specific and clear studies, where Palestine was divided recently to regions that are not effective to be development regions. Also, these studies where not based on specific scientific methodologies that take into consideration the variables that effect on the operation of dividing and determining regions. The research started studying the new methods and tools that help in classifying and determining regions using a methodology to construct the National structure to development regions . The research determined the problem and proposed previous Arab and international experiences in this field. It gives a high level to the importance of determining the development regions in the national level eliminating the political considerations. So, as an assumption, there is a full control on land boundaries in 1967. This study was applies and covered on west bank without Gaza strip because it is considered as one region, which is not able to be divided. The research involves studying the factors and variables that effect on determining the most appropriate locations for regions. The methods and theories that are currently applied and used as national standards in dividing and determining the national structure of national development regions were displayed. After that, a recommended methods constructed of natural, economical, social, functional, and structural development indicators was proposed to determine the Palestinian development regions. These methods result in sub-development regions to be combined as finalized development regions. This is done through defining development goals of studied aspects by virtue of the Palestinian development plan (2014-2016). Giographig Information System (GIS) was used in the analysis, , classification and compilation of data and indicators as one of the modern techniques that help solve this problem. In addition, scientific statistical tools are used to study the relationship between these indicators. This research has resulted in put an integrated mechanism to complete the process of identifying the regional units within a vision consistent with the Palestinian national development vision using modern methods and a methodology that can be used in determining the planning units at different levels. Also, As a result of this research, Palestine was devided into five development planning regions, the northern region includes the governorates of (Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarm, Qalqiliya, Salfit, Nablus) , the middle region includes the governorates of( Ramallah and Al-Bireh, Jericho), the southern region includes the governorates (Bethlehem, Hebron) and the costel region includes all the governorates of the Gaza Strip
- ItemHousing for low-income people(2016) Hasan, Doaa; Zawawi, ZahraaHousing sector is the most important sectors that are studied from the international community ; to develop it and solve its problems . One of the main problems in the housing sector, providing adequate housing for low-income people ,they can’t afford adequate housing because of rising housing prices, which make these people go to the residential dwellings do not afford minimum health and psychological standards do not achieve the minimum basic needs. Planners, architects and those interested in the housing sector began to be discussed, resolved to provide housing for low-income people, it depends on the establishment of the lowest possible cost housing within specific design standards to achieve the minimum basic needs of individuals. First of all , The project discussed low-income housing concept, characteristics, and design standards for this type of housing. Then put the criteria on the selection of the most suitable site for the project; to help these criteria to choose the site that serves the project the best possible economic, environmental and service terms and other aspects. After selecting the criteria are several alternatives to the project site has been evaluated based on specific criteria for selecting the most appropriate alternative, which will be the site chosen for the project emerged. After the final out alternative was selected site analysis to determine the pros and cons of the site, to exploit its strengths and take advantage of opportunities, solve challenges and weaknesses to overcome. After analysis of the site is out the initial design of housing for low-income people, and the road network in the project design. Then choose the appropriate housing units that meet the minimum basic needs without having to raise the cost. The project comes out a structural scheme for the entire housing, it shows the distribution of land uses and road network. In addition to a detailed scheme detailed designs of the views of the nature of the green areas in addition to showing the positions of the services and other facilities.
- ItemHousing for students of An - Najah National University(2018-05) Bata, Sujood; Abdelhamid, Ali
- ItemHousing Planning for the newly married couples(2017) Nazzal, Ashraqat; Abdelhamid, Ali;
- ItemHousing Planning for the newly married couples(2017-05-22) نزال, اشرقت; Abdelhamed , Dr.AliIn view of the importance of housing for the people and the Palestinian community in particular, and because of the exacerbation of the housing crisis in Palestine ,as a result of the low level of income per capita, especially the youth ,and the high cost of construction and rent, and the loss of numbers of houses as a result of arbitrary policy of Israeli occupation in the demolition and destruction of houses in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the idea of housing for newly married and newlyweds came up ,to focus on solving the problems face them, such as high land prices ,and the cost of building residential buildings; in addition to many reasons such as : the high proportion of young people preparing to marry in the West Bank is an insurmountable problem, and the right of families to live in an adequate housing with the housing needs, which is constantly increasing. This increases the number of housing required and reduces the area of land, finally the lack of housing units for low-income families that are suitable for those who are newly married or newly married. The main object of the project is to support and encourage young people and new couples to live in this type of housing and to provide temporary housing in areas suitable with the size of their families and services and facilities to suit their needs. The village of Akraba, southeast of Nablus, is then selected according to special criteria that have been applied. An analysis of the site and the surrounding area were studied, then the implementation of the project program and the final plans for the project.
- ItemIndustrial Areas Planning(2016) Foqaha, Marwa; Abdelhamid, AliThe project is based mainly on the planning of industrial and craftsmanship zone in Tubas Governorate, includes all crafts and various industries in Tubas Governorate and organizing it in a way that achieves harmony with the surrounding agricultural nature, so will be a harmonious area with the agricultural nature of the province, with appropriate services and infrastructure, and preserve the environment. At the beginning, we was work on the analysis of the regional situation of Tubas Governorate in general in terms of natural, geological and climatic characteristics, and then was the analysis of the proposed site of the project and access the result from the pros and cons maps of the site and evaluated based on that analysis. As has been study of global standards in the design of industrial areas and cities, and assess of the proposed site for these standards and evaluation results agree with these standards. Eventually it has been reached a final design for the industrial zone proposed in Tubas Governorate in a manner consistent with the nature of the region and achieves the best results desired from this area in addition to maintaining as much as possible on the surrounding environment of the project.