Nutrition and Food Technology
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- ItemAPPLICATION OF MICROENCAPSULATED BACTERIOCIN PRODUCER FOR AN ANTIMICROBIAL PACKAGING DEVELOPMENT(جامعة النجاح الوطنية, 2021-07-26) جابر, مودةيهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة الجدوى والنشاط المضاد للميكروبات لبكتيريا حمض اللاكتيك (LAB) المنتجة للبكتيروسينات المُدمجة في الفيلم الصالح للأكل ودراسة النشاط المضاد للميكروبات للفيلم ضد L. innocua في نظام المختبر. أظهرت نتائج العمل أن الأفلام كانت قادرة على ضمان حيوية عالية للسلالة المُنتِجة للبكتيروسينات ( L. curvatus 54M16) عند 4 درجات مئوية خلال 28 يومًا من التخزين. علاوة على ذلك، تم دراسة تأثير الكبسلة الدقيقة على قابلية الحياة والنشاط المضاد للميكروبات لـ LAB لتصميم فيلم صالح للأكل بسلالة مُغلفة في كبسولات دقيقة.
- ItemConsumer Sensitivity and Freshness Evaluation of Bakery Products(An-Najah National University, 2019-07-25) Zidan, SouzanFocaccia is a typical bakery product in Italy, which is highly appreciated for its sensory characteristics and has its own market. Its quality deterioration during storage is caused chiefly by various deteriorative events which include the loss of crispness linked to high water activity, starch retrogradation and lipid oxidation. The loss of freshness in bakery products negatively affects consumer’s liking and the product’s quality. The freshness perception of a food during its shelf life depends on both the sensory properties of the food and the consumer’s ability to perceive a sensory deterioration. Consumers differ in their abilities to perceive tastes and textures, and these perception differences may lead to different preferences. Sensory methods can be used to understand individual sensitivity of consumers. The main purpose of this research is to evaluate consumer perception of focaccia samples stored at different times and to explore whether there is an association between consumer sensitivity and the perception of focaccia samples. Focaccia with two different toppings (tomato &olives (F1), and frozen onion with oregano (F2)) were considered in this research. All samples were stored for 7, 15, 30, and 60 days at 20ºC. Consumer sensitivity to taste, odor and texture were evaluated by using PROP status test, odor pens test, and hardness test, respectively. Weibull distribution was used to describe the rejection function. CATA method was used to determine sensory attributes of focaccia samples. Nighty-nine consumers participated in the consumer test. Consumers were asked to eat each sample of focaccia and to answer the question:" Would you normally consume/buy focaccia? Yes or No?". They were asked also to choose the most suitable attributes that can describe the samples and to evaluate their liking by using 10cm scale anchored from “the most unpleasant imaginable” to “the most pleasant imaginable”. From survival analysis, it was observed that the acceptance percentage for samples stored for 60 days was slightly higher for samples F2 (50%) compared to (47%) for samples F1. The shelf life was estimated as the storage time that corresponded to 50% consumers acceptance in 58 ±6 d, and 61±5 d, respectively for samples F1 and F2. For sample F1, CATA questions results showed that there are significant differences for both negative attributes (stale, dry tomato, hard, raw dough) and positive attributes (soft, typical focaccia flavor, sweet tomato, fresh tomato). In the same way, for sample F2, CATA questions results showed that there are significant differences in terms of both negative (stale, hard, onion taste) and positive (soft, pungent onion taste) attributes. For both types of samples, it was also noted that fresh samples were liked as the as those stored for 60 days. Our findings also showed that there is no significant association between liking scores of focaccia and socio-demographic variables (age and gender). We recommend that the current study should be followed up with larger number of consumers. Future studies should also assess participants’ psychological and personality traits.
- ItemDEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF FFQ SCREENER SOFTWARE FOR SODIUM INTAKE AMONG PALESTINIAN POPULATION(An - Najah National University, 2023-07-17) Razan Arafat Mohammad AwwadBackground: A high intake of sodium leads to cardiovascular, renal, and immune system effects. It also increases mortality from cardiovascular disease. Traditional sodium evaluation methods such as food frequency questionnaires (FFQ), 24-hour recall, and 24-hour records are inefficient and prone to error. Smartphone applications and software enhance the efficiency and accuracy of dietary assessment. The study aims to design and test a software-based FFQ screener to evaluate Palestinian sodium intake. Also, the relationship between dietary sodium intake, practices, and the FFQ screener, 3-day food recall, and 24-hour urine sodium levels was evaluated. Methodology: The study consists of four phases. In Phase 1, Palestinian foods were classified and subclassified by method of consumption, sodium concentration, and food group. The Palestinian food culture determined serving size and frequency, whereas a database of food composition evaluated sodium levels. Three databases of food composition were used to validate the values. In Phase 2, four nutrition experts and three related researchers assessed the content validity of the FFQ screener. The screener was revised in response to their recommendations. In Phase 3, a pilot study assessed the reliability of test-retests. In Phase 4, the criteria validity of the screener was evaluated by comparing FFQ sodium intake data to 24-hour urine sodium test (Gold standard 1) and 3-day recall (Gold standard 2) results. SPSS was used to compare and evaluate the results. Results: The FFQ sodium screener included 41 food items organized into nine categories, with photo-based estimations of portion size and frequency of consumption for each. The reliability test revealed a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.70 (p0.01) between the test and retest results for 22 individuals. The correlation value between FFQ screener software dietary sodium consumption and 24-hour urine sodium test was 0.6 (p0.000) for criterion validity. The correlation between the FFQ screener software and 3-day recall sodium intake was 0.3 (p0.0001). A significant correlation exists between sodium intake, preferences for low-sodium foods, and previous salt reduction (p0.05). FFQ sodium was unrelated to salting after cooking, salted meal selection, or sodium on product labels (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Software FFQ screeners are a valid and reliable method for measuring sodium intake. Validation assures a reliable and innovative approach to measuring sodium in the diet. Photo-based portion size estimation improves the accuracy of diet evaluation.
- ItemDevelopment of gluten free biscuits to control glycaemia(جامعة النجاح الوطنية, 2019-07-25) شوخة, ايمانفي الآونة الحديثة ازدادت الحاجة إلى نظام غذائي خال من الغلوتين وذلك لانتشار الاضطرابات الصحية المرتبطة به مثل (الداء الزلاقي (سيلياك)، حساسية القمح ، وحساسية الغلوتين غير السيلياك). ومن الجدير بالذكر ايضا ان هناك علاقة واضحة بين هذه الاضطرابات بالاخص السيلياك وتطور داء السكري. وفي هذا الصدد ، فان المتتبع لمشاكل المنتجات الخالية من الغلوتين المتواجدة حاليا في الاسواق يجد ان ارتفاع المؤشر الجلايسمي (مؤشر تحلون الدم) لها يعد معضلة لانه يزيد من احتمالية تطور السكري او يزيد من احتمالية فقدان السيطرة على سكر الدم عند مرضى السكري. تهدف هذه الرسالة الى التحقيق في استجابة نسبة السكر في الدم المحتملة من البسكويت الخالي من الغلوتين المدعم بمستخلص بروتين الصويا والكازين. للحصول على هذه النتيجة تم انتاج بسكويت خالي من الغلوتين بدون اضافة اي من البروتين له، بالاضافة الى اربع عينات تحتوي على مستخلص الصويا او الكازيين بنسبة 4.5% او 13% .ومن ثم تم تطويع الخمسة عينات لعملية الهضم الانزيمي خارج جسم الانسان في المختبر بطريقة تطابق الى حد كبير الهضم داخل جسم الانسان ، ومن ثم تم حساب تركيز سكر الجلوكوز والحموض الامينية في العصارة في اوقات مختلفة من الهضم (مرحلة المعدة ومرحلة الامعاء). بناءً على التحليل الاحصائي للنتائج تبين ان اضافة مستخلص بروتين الصويا او الكازيين للبسكوت الخالي من الغلوتين قلل من سرعة هضم الكربوهيدرات في مرحلة هضم الامعاء مما قلل من الاستجابة الجلاسيمية طردياً مع تركيز البروتين المضاف. وذلك التأثير ربما يكون ناتج عن وجود بعض الببتيدات في الصويا والكازيين والتي لها قدرة على تثبيط عمل الانزيمات الهاضمة.
- ItemEFFECT OF DAILY ADMINISTRATION OF MICROENCAPSULATED LIMOSILACTOBACILLUS REUTERI DSM 17938 ON THE INTESTINAL MICROBIOTA AND METABOLIC ALTERATION INDUCED BY HIGH FAT FRUCTOSE DIET IN ADULT RATS(جامعة النجاح الوطنية, 2021-07-26) Abuqwider, JumanaAims: To investigate the intestinal microbiota and metabolic alteration of 8-week oral supplementation with microencapsulated Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 induced by high fat fructose diet in adult rats. Materials and methods: In animal experiment, Male Wistar rats of 90 days were fed a control diet or a high fat - high fructose diet for 8 weeks, promoting signs of obesity and metabolic syndrome. Rats either fed a Control diet or HFF diet were divided into three groups. The first one, the control group (C) with the low-fat diet, the second, with the administration of the L. reuteri inside the microcapsule (CRM), while the last, were received simply L. reuteri (CR). In the same way the rats treated with a high fat - high fructose (HFF) diet were divided in three groups: one with the HFF (T), second group was administrated the L. reuteri inside the microcapsule (TRM), and the third group, was administrated by the HFF diet and the L. reuteri (TR). The research investigates the effect of supplementation on glucose homeostasis, body composition, energy balance, hepatic steatosis and fecal microbiota composition. Results: Supplementation with microencapsulated L. reuteri DSM 17938 for 8 weeks did not affect significantly body composition and energy balance but affect significantly the plasma glucose and insulin resistance, liver steatosis, and microbiota composition. Rats who received the microencapsulated L. reuteri exhibited decreases in plasma glucose compared with control. In addition, microencapsulated L. reuteri supplementation significantly suppressed liver enzymes (AST, ALT) and hepatic steatosis, also increase the abundance of Akkermansia muciniphila which improves host metabolic parameters. Conclusions: Intake of microencapsulated L. reuteri DSM 17938 for 8 weeks with diet induced obesity did not affect body composition and energy balance; however, it improved plasma glucose, insulin sensitivity, fatty liver
- ItemThe Effect of Different Dietary Patterns on Anthropometric Measurements Amongst Obese and overweight People Visiting different Dietetic Centres In West Bank: A Prospective Cohort Study(جامعة النجاح الوطنية, 2020-11-01) Suleiman, YousefBackground Overweight and obesity are major public health problems and the most common nutritional disorders. The prevalence of overweight and obesity is rising at an alarming level worldwide and Palestine shares world in this epidemic. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of different diet patterns practised by Palestinians on body weight, as well to evaluate effect of different variables on weight loss. Methodology A prospective cohort study was conducted on 1368 participants (19.86% males and 81.14%females), data were collected from Nutrition centres in West Bank. In nutrition centres they used BOCA X1 body composition analyser to calculate LBM. The nutrition analysis for prescribed diet programmes was done by ESHA software. Statistical analysis was done by SPSS version 25. The body mass index (BMI) weekly changes for each participant were taken over 12 consecutive visits. All participants must have Initial BMI between 25 and 60. The duration of 1 diet pattern was between 7 to 9 days. Females participants must not be pregnant or lactating. The effect of 5-isocaloric dietary patterns namely; low carbohydrate diet (LCD), low fat diet (LFD), vegetarian diet (VD), intermittent fasting diet (IFD) and Mediterranean diet (MD), in addition to, gender, initial BMI, lean body mass (LBM), total dietary carbohydrate intake (TDCI) an dietary fibre intake (DFI) on BMI were evaluated using General linear model. Different one-way ANOVAs were conducted to compare the effect of the 5-dietary patterns on BMI, the effect of different dietary patterns in different weeks and the difference between males and females. Results The results indicated a significant effect (p-value<0.05) of the seven variables on BMI lowering. Being Males have more effect on lowering BMI (0.34) than female. BMI lowering effect has increased by (0.0021) for each one gram increase in daily fibre intake. Increasing LBM led to increase in BMI lowering by (0.001). BMI lowering effect was inversely related with TDC (0.0005). Initial BMI has correlated positively with BMI lowering effect (0.0046). With regard to week numbers(visit order), the results have shown that all dietary patterns had high decrease in BMI in the first week of visits, however, such lowering effect on BMI has gradually declined from week 2 through week 12. The BMI lowering of the first week was 0.5791 more than the 12th week. With regard to the 5-dietary patterns effect on lowering BMI, results from ANOVA have shown that LCD has the highest lowering effect on BMI while VD has the lowest lowering effect on BMI. The other 3-diet patterns IFD, MD and LFD have no significant difference between them on their BMI-lowering effect.The mean BMI change for each of the five diets pattern was LCD (0.3310 ±0.3291), LFD (0.2756 ± 0.3003), IFD (0.2658 ± 0.2961), MD (0.2627 ± 0.3230) and VD (0.2233 ± 0.2546). Conclusion Weight loss is positively affected by initial BMI, LBM and TDF. Males lose more weight than females .TDCI had negative effect on losing weight. It was concluded that short term weekly effect of diet patterns was obvious for all 5-dietary patterns however, LCD was the best especially in the first weeks of weight management. MD and IFD, were practically more sustainable for long term effect. Therefore, LCD can be recommended for initial stages of weight management to show weight loss. Time factor is important for all diet patterns as the weight loss was more in the first weeks and declined gradually
- ItemEffect of Edible Packaging on the Quality of Healthier Fruit Juice Powder(جامعة النجاح الوطنية, 2020-07-22) Hejazi, SondosEffect of Edible Packaging on the Quality of Healthier Fruit Juice Powder By Sondos Hejazi Supervisors Dr. Mohammed Sabbah Prof. Prospero Di Pierro Abstract Rapid technology world driven, environment sustainability, human health and safety issues, food industry innovation and cost reduction plans; all of them form a matrix of challenges for food and nutrition technologist. Proposed idea of using edible film, can contribute clearly in industry polices by providing a part of solution for many related issues to food industry. Fruit juice powder, easy, soluble and ready to use packaged with edible films has successfully produced; this product introduces multifunction food for both human (consumer), food industry sector and the environment. The results showed that wrapping the fruit juice powder with pectin film are completely solubilized in only 30 S at 25 ºC, while 57 S when cold water 4 ºC was used. Healthier fruit juice powder will be modified in future by integration bioactive compounds in edible film that improve the characterizations of the product by increasing the shelf life as well as reduce the utilization of food additives which will contribute positively in human health
- ItemEFFECT OF FOOD NANOPARTICLES ON EDIBLE FILMS DERIVED FROM INDUSTRIAL BY-PRODUCTS FOR FOOD COATINGS AND WRAPPING(جامعة النجاح الوطنية, 2022-02-17) Mansour, NisreenBackground: The need for the production of bio-friendly plastic is rising, corresponding to the daily evidence of the harmful effects of petroleum plastics on environment. Plastic wastes accumulate in forest and waterways, which are not stopped even in the environment, but also shares in atmosphere disturbances through the greenhouse effect. The edible or bio-based packaging can be derived from another natural resource as protein, polysaccharides, lipids. Aim: This research aims to identify the influence of cellulose nanoparticles' impact on the properties of Nigella sativa (NS) edible films. Furthermore, to evaluate the effect of enhancement of NS film with Moringa oil on their antimicrobial and antioxidant activity. And then incorporate the NS films with Moringa edible oil (MEO) to investigate the influence of such incorporation on the film activity as antimicrobial and antioxidant for packaging utilization. Materials and methods: The alkaline-acid treatment was used of Nigella sativa defatted seed cake (NSDSC) to get the NS concentrated protein extract (NSCPE). The protein percent of the NSPCE determined, which is raw materials for NS film preparation at pH (12). Coconut defatted fibers consider as raw materials used for cellulose nanoparticles (C-NPs) production through the acid hydrolysis method. The NS film produced by casting method, in which NS film reinforced with C-NPs at different concentrations ranged between (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1, 2, up to 3% (w\w)), (C-NPs\ protein) with 30% glycerol (GLY) (w\w) (GLY\ protein). The produced films were compared with control NS films (without C-NPs), in mechanical parameters and water uptake, and water content to investigate the influence of C-NPs addition on mentioned properties. Three different C-NPs (0.1, 0.5, 2%) concentration chosen to be incorporated with (2% MEO nanoemulsion, 10% GLY), in NSPC based film, thin compared later with the NS films without (2% MEO and 30% GLY) with C-NPs (0.1, 0.5, 2%) addition. After new film production (MEO nanoemulsion, NSCP film), we investigated it in mechanical characteristics, water content, water uptake, and the activity of different films as antimicrobial and antioxidant. NS film incorporated with MEO also was applied for food coating or wrapping purposes. Results and Discussion: The data showed C-NPs incorporations into the NS films increase the tensile strength (TS) values by raising the concentration of C-NPs. And the increase in Young's modulus (YM) was reported at low C-NPs concentration contrasted with the control films. The elongation at break (EB) showed a percentage increase at low concentrations of C-NPs but decreased as the concentration increased from 1 to 3% C-NPs. The results can be related to the inter-intramolecular bonds between C-NPs and protein. We also explain such results to the C-NPs dispersions in the film matrix. While the percent of water content initially increases a little at low concentrations up to 0.5% C-NPs but then decreases at high concentrations. Though the water absorption percent decreases with decreasing C-NPs concentration, because of C-NPs addition can redux the emptiness between the polymer molecules and plasticizers, which reduces the ability to absorb water molecules. The results of MEO incorporations showed significant differences in film thickness, which increased more for (MEO with C-NPs) than NS films (without MEO with C-NPs). This effect can be attributed to the increase in the surface area according to oil and C-NPs interactions. The water content between the incorporated films with MEO was reduced, as the effect of adding C-NPs reduced the water uptake of NS films at all concentrations. However, the NS film with 0.5% C-NPs incorporated with 2% MEO showed more reduction than the film with the same C-NPs but without MEO addition. We relate this result to the hydrophobic nature of MEO. The results of EB showed a significant reduction when the film was incorporated into MEO. While TS and YM appeared, no significant effects of adding MEO to the NS films and NS without MEO, except that the 0.5% C-NPs with MEO showed a considerable reduction in TS. This effect refers to the plasticizing capacity of the emulsions (MEO and Tween 80). The emulsions may have a poor plasticizing effect. However, it showed significant differences in antioxidant activity, there is a positive effect of MEO compared to the NS control films. The effect of MEO addition to the NS film's presence at the increases in antimicrobial activity, particularly staphylococcus arouse bacteria. The produced films also showed the ability to be used in food packaging applications, such as products susceptible to oxidation, such as oil or butter packaging. Conclusion: The addition of C-NPs improves the mechanical properties of NS films, and it has an optimal C-NPs concentration for these developments. Instead, the MEO addition improves the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of the film, and these properties could enable NS film to be employed for food packaging applications. Because of its low-cost bio-friendly nature and its active packaging.
- ItemEffect of Grape Juice on Characteristics of Nigella Sativa Protein-Based Film Used for Wrapping Sweet Cherries(جامعة النجاح الوطنية, 2021-11-03) ياسين, دانايكتسب إنتاج الأفلام القابلة للتحلل والتطبيقات المحتملة للتطبيقات الغذائية اهتمامًا متزايدًا كبدائل للبوليمرات المستخدمة في تغليف المواد الغذائية وذلك بسبب طبيعتها المستدامة وأنها تعكس صورة صديقة للبيئة، بالإضافة الى توافقها مع المواد الغذائية والتطبيقات الغذائية. حيث أنه من الممكن أن يتم تصنيع مواد التعبئة والتغليف الصالحة للأكل من عدد من المواد مثل عديدات التسكر، البروتينات أو الدهون، واضافة العديد من الإضافات التي تعمل على تحسين خصائص الفيلم المكون وبالتالي الحصول على فيلم بخصائص وظيفية جيدة، التي يمكن أن تكون على شكل أغلفة وأكياس تستخدم لتغليف المواد الغذائية. في هذه الدراسة، تم استخراج بروتين من المنتجات الثانوية لبذور حبة البركة واذابتها بتراكيز مختلفة من عصير العنب الطبيعي ( 30,20,10,8,6,4,2,1حجم/حجم) عند الأس الهيدروجيني 12 للحصول على أفلام صالحة للأكل، واستخدامها لتغليف الكرز الطازج ومتابعة تأثير الفيلم على الخصائص الفيزيائية والكيميائية للكرز (الأس الهيدروجيني، الحموضة القابلة للمعايرة، إجمالي المواد الصلبة القابلة للذوبان، واللون الخارجي) خلال فترة 40 يومًا من تخزينها على 20- درجة مئوية. أظهرت النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها من تحليل خصائص فيلم حبة البركة المدعم بعصير العنب ولأول مرة أن عصير العنب بتراكيز من 10-2٪ (حجم / حجم) قادرًا على العمل كملدن في الأفلام المعتمدة على البروتين وبخصائص واعدة. حيث أشارت السماكة والنتائج الميكانيكية إلى عدم وجود فرق في سماكة الأفلام كلما زاد تركيز العصير بينما أثرت التراكيز المختلفة للعصير على الخصائص الميكانيكية لفيلم حبة البركة وبشكل كبير. حيث أظهرت النتائج أن قوة الشد ومعامل يونغ للأفلام انخفض بشكل ملحوظ عند زيادة تركيز العصير. بينما لوحظ قيم أعلى للاستطالة عند الكسر للأفلام المحضرة بتركيز % 6 من عصير العنب مقارنة بالأفلام الأخرى. بالإضافة الى نتائج مثيرة للاهتمام وواعدة للغاية للخصائص المضادة للأكسدة ومضادات الميكروبات للأفلام المحضرة بعصير العنب مقارنة بأفلام التحكم المرجعية. تم تقسيم الكرز الى ثلاث مجموعات كانت احداها غير مغلفة وأخرى مغلفة بأكياس بلاستيك من البولي إيثلين قليل الكثافة والتي تم استخدامها كمجموعات تحكم مرجعية وتم مقارنتهم بمجموعة الكرز المغلفة بالفيلم الذي يعتمد على بروتين حبة البركة المدعم بعصير العنب بتركيز % 6 حيث أظهرت النتائج أن إجمالي المواد الصلبة القابلة للذوبان كانت أقل بشكل ملحوظ مقارنةً بالكرز غير المغلف بعد 10 أيام من التخزين على - 20 درجة مئوية ، ولم يلاحظ أي تأثير معنوي للكرز الملفوف بأغشية البولي إيثلين قليل الكثافة أو أفلام حبة البركة لجميع مراحل التخزين . حيث كان تركيز اجمالي المواد الصلبة القابلة للذوبان مستقرًا حتى نهاية فترة التخزين للكرز الملفوف بالبولي إيثلين قليل الكثافة أو أفلام حبة البركة كما ووجد عدم وجود اختلاف في درجة الحموضة القابلة للمعايرة وقيمة الأس الهيدروجيني لجميع أنواع الكرز سواء كانت مغلفة أو غير مغلفة على جميع أوقات التخزين. وأظهرت النتيجة البصرية (اللمعان وزاوية التدرج) أنه لم يكن هناك اختلاف في قيمة اللمعان في كافة المجموعات . في حين أشارت نتائج زاوية التدرج إلى أن الكرز الحلو المغلف بالبولي إيثلين قليل الكثافة قد انخفض بشكل ملحوظ مقارنة بالكرز الملفوف بأفلام حبة البركة والكرز غير المغلف خلال 20 يومًا من التخزين. علاوة على ذلك ، كانت قيمة زاوية التدرج للكرز الحلو الذي تم لفه بأفلام حبة البركة أعلى قيمة بعد20 يومًا مقارنة بالمجموعة المرجعية وانخفضت القيمة بعد40 يومًا من التخزين عند -20 درجة مئوية ، ولم تكن هناك فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين الكرز الملفوف باستخدام أغلفة البولي إيثلين قليل الكثافة أو أفلام حبة البركة خلال ٤٠ يومًا من التخزين. استنادًا الى هذه النتائج، تم تحديد أنه يمكن استخدام الأفلام المكونة من بروتين حبة البركة المضاف اليها عصير العنب الطبيعي بشكل فعال في حماية الخصائص الفيزيائية والكيميائية وزيادة العمر الافتراضي للكرز الحلو في درجات حرارة التخزين المميزة. لذلك يقترح أن أفلام حبة البركة يمكن اعتبارها طريقة حفظ جديدة لتحسين جودة ما بعد الحصاد والخصائص الغذائية لأصناف الكرز الحلو المختلفة.
- ItemEFFECT OF METABOLIC REDUCTION OF PROBIOTICS ON THE FUNCTIONALITY OF FRUIT JUICE(جامعة النجاح الوطنية, 2021-07-28) Nasser, Shaima’Ultrasound (US) and microencapsulation can be regarded as the tools to modulate the metabolism of probiotic bacteria and, consequently, these strategies can be used to reduce the acidification of the probiotic bio-active beverages. Attenuation can be done through the combination of ultrasound (US), and microencapsulation as a physical approach. Furthermore, microencapsulation, through vibrating technology, is also aimed at incorporating probiotic strains in functional foods such as capsules with controlled release of these active strains. About attenuation, there is no data available on the effect of this treatment on the overall profile of probiotic bacteria. So, the major topics of this study: i) to study the effect of ultrasound and microencapsulation tools on the survival, acidification and growth of Limosilactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 (L. reuteri) inoculated in tomato juice during its storage for 28 days at 4 and 20 °C, ii) to study the effect of US on L. reuteri survival at pH 2.5 and with 0.15% bile salt, iii) to get a product with chemical-physical and sensory characteristics that are acceptable to the consumers. A preliminary screening on sonication was done by using 3 power levels (57, 64 and 78 W) and two different duration time (4 and 6) min. The best combination was 57 W- 6 min; this decision come from the acceptable post-acidification and viability results after sonication. The effect of this treatment on the functional properties also studied. At low pH 2.5 L. reuteri DSM 17938 has a higher survival than the sonicated one. In contrast, the reduction of viability in case incubation in deionized sterile water containing 0.15% of bile salts of non-treated L. reuteri DSM 17938 was higher than half sonicated microorganism. The probiotication of tomato juice from market was done in three different ways (with a cell suspension, with a sonicated cell suspension and with microcapsules of the sonicated cell suspension). Post acidification and viability of L. reuteri were monitored at 4 and 20 °C for 28 days. This study confirms that the best storage temperature for L. reuteri sonicated and microencapsulated (LR-US-MC) tomato juice is 4 °C; the pH (4.13) and viability (7.24 log CFU/ml) value are higher at 4 °C storage temperature than pH (3.87) and viability (7.08 log CFU/ml) value at 20 °C
- ItemEffect of replacing sodium chloride by potassium chloride on the quality traits of beef burger(جامعة النجاح الوطنية, 2020-07-23) الحج, ازهارالصوديوم هو أحد أهم العناصر الغذائية لوظائف جسم الانسان. ومع ذلك فان كمية الصوديوم التي يتم تناولها من الغذاء حاليا تتجاوز توصيات منظمة الصحة العالمية، يعتبر زيادة استهلاك الصوديوم سببا رئيسيا لارتفاع ضغط الدم وأمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية. بسبب الارتباط القوي بين تناول كمية مرتفعة من الصوديوم وحدوث ارتفاع ضغط الدم والأمراض المزمنة الاخرى، توصي العديد من المنظمات الصحية الدولية بتقليل محتوى الصوديوم في الأطعمة المصنعة. منتجات اللحوم المصنعة لها مساهمة كبيرة في زيادة استهلاك الصوديوم، وبناء على ذلك كان الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو تقييم تأثير استبدال كلوريد الصوديوم بكلوريد البوتاسيوم على صفات جودة برغر اللحم البقري (عدد الميكروبات، الخصائص الكيميائية والفيزيائية بالإضافة الى الخصائص الحسية). في هذه الدراسة تم استخدام 160 قطعة من برجر اللحم البقري موزعة على أربع مجموعات التي تمثل أربع مستويات من نسب استبدال كلوريد الصوديوم بكلوريد البوتاسيوم وهي 0%,15%,30% و50% بالتوالي. اظهرت الدراسة ان جميع نسب الاستبدال لم يكن لها أي تأثير على الخصائص الكيميائية والحسية والجرثومية. في الخلاصة تشير الدراسية الى امكانية تقليل محتوى الصوديوم في المنتج الى نسبة قد تصل الى 50% باستخدام كلوريد البوتاسيوم كبديل.
- ItemThe Effect of Short –Term Weight Management Programs on the Attendees Quality of Life in the Dietetic Center’s Attendees in Palestine(جامعة النجاح الوطنية, 2021-07-08) Abu-Al Wafa, UmaymaObesity is a global burden that impairs an individual's Quality of life (QOL) psychologically, economically, physiologically, and socially. Nevertheless, QOL is a multi-dimensional term with no standard definition. Health related QOL (HRQOL) can be defined as" individual perception about social, physical, mental aspects of health, and how health affects the ability to function in life ". Many studies have addressed the negative association between excess weight and HRQOL. This study aimed to assess HRQOL and to assess the effect of weight loss among overweight/obese adults after attending short-term weight management programs on HRQOL and changes in HRQOL. Participants were recruited from adults referred to Nutri Health centers of(Ramallah, Nablus, Jenin, Hebron and Tulkarm) for weight management programs during the period between 1of May 2019 to 30 November 2020. A total of 466 participants (81 males and 383 females) with a BMI(body mass index) more than 25kg /m² were involved in the study. Body composition, anthropometric measurements, socio-demographic data, and HRQOL were determined at baseline and after 3 months of follow-up weight-management program. The results showed a significant decline in the mean weight of participants from93.9±17.2Kg to83.9±15.7 kg over three months; however, (48.7%) participants reported a reduction of less than 10% of their weight while (51.3%) participants had a reduction of more than 10% of their weight over 3 months. By using paired sample T-test participants reported significant improvement in all components of (36-SF) HRQOL after 3 months compared to baseline scores. At baseline, participants with higher BMI significantly reported lower scores in HRQOL subscales of Physical functioning, Pain, Vitality, and General health. while after 3 months, participants with ≥10% loss of baseline weight had a greater improvement in the overall QOL scores by 14.6±17.6 (mean ± SD) compared to 9.7±15.0 for those who lost <10% baseline body weight. Moreover, the Role limitation due to physical health achieved the highest score after 3 months with mean ±SD of 93.0±20.7 compared to baseline score of 80.8±32.2. The highest improvement was reported in Physical functioning with 18.9 ± 27.3 and 10.9 ± 27.3 for participants lost ≥ 10% and < 10%, respectively. In conclusion, weight management programs seemed to be not only effective to induce weight loss but also, to improve HRQOL. Excess weight is considered a detrimental factor for HRQOL. Moreover, data have shown that overweight/obese women were more likely to have poorer HRQOL at baseline with less improvement in HRQOL after 3 months compared to men. Finally, the findings of this study have confirmed that the weight management is a holistic process that should consider the patients views and improvement in QOL after weight reduction.
- ItemEFFECT OF THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET ON THE GUT MICROBIOTA OF PREGNANT WOMEN: A CASE-CONTROL STUDY(2021-07-26) Altamimi, Dr. Mohammad; De Filippis, Dr. FrancescaAim: The main aim of this study is to evaluate the possible influence of the adherence to the Mediterranean diet on gut microbiome composition during pregnancy. Design: Seventy-six healthy pregnant women participated in a parallel 9-months randomized controlled trial. Thirty-five participants were instructed to consume a diet inspired to Mediterranean dietary pattern (MedD), and 41 maintained their habitual diets (ConD). Dietary adherence and gut microbiome were monitored over the study period. Design and results: We retrieved dietary information and assessed gut microbiome by shotgun metagenomics in 76 pregnant women following Med and control diets. The majority of the women in MedD group increased the adherence to the MedD. We detected associations between the consumption of MedD and the abundance of beneficial microbes, such as some fiber-degrading bacteria and some taxa associated with the degradation of polyphenols, whose role in the human gut warrants further research. Conclusions: Switching subjects to a MedD (increasing their adherence to the MedD) during pregnancy can be considered as a promising strategy to improve their gut microbiome, possibly influencing the gut microbiome development in newborns.
- ItemEffect of vacuum packaging combined with natural additives on the shelf life and quality traits of fresh thyme(Doaa Kanan, 2019-12-08) Kanan, DoaaGreen thyme (Za’atar) is one of favorite herbs among Palestinian’s garden. It refers to genus Origanum of Lamiaceae family. This study aim to extend the shelf life fresh green thyme by hurdle technology by employing vacuum packaging technique combined natural additives (onion, sumac, lactic acid and oil and salt) then stored at room and refrigerated temperature to study the effect of natural additives combined with vacuum packaging on the physochemical properties of green thyme including color, taste, flavor, pH, chemical compositions and how they change during 42 days. Moreover, Study the probability of growth of Clostridium Botulinum in green thyme samples under anaerobic condition by using microbiological challenge test. Lactic acid was the most effective to keep different quality traits during storage. Refrigerated conditions were the best storage condition to extend the shelf life of thyme products. Green thyme leaves are very valuable agricultural product in Palestine. Until now, this product is not exploited to the export market due to short shelf life; the findings of this study may contribute to increase the potential of this product for export market.
- ItemThe Effect of Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet and Low Fat Content on The Glycaemic Control and Quality of Life in a Group of Type 2 Diabetes Patients: A Pilot Study(Khaleel Abdel Latif Khaleel Sa'ad Aldin, 2018-05-29) Sa'ad Aldin, KhaleelBackground: Chronic diseases including diabetes are of high concern in the Palestinian community as they became the major cause of death. Life style such as diet is a modifiable risk factor that may play a major role to alleviate diabetes’ mortality and morbidity. Material and Methods: First study: Fifteen diabetic patients aged 50.9 6.5 years who were diagnosed with diabetes at least 5.0 months ago participated in a pilot study for 12 weeks to assess the effect of whole-food, plant-based diet on their diabetes features. Participants were 2 females and 13 males with the following baseline measurements (meansSD); 30.2 5.2 kg/m2, 189.2 77.2mg/dL and 9.4 2.5% for body mass index [BMI], fasting blood glucose [FBG] and HbA1c respectively. There was no restriction on the energy and protein intake came from plant sources however, processed and refined food items were restricted. Second study: Two matching groups of DM patients were recruited to assess their quality of life. The first one is the intervention group (IG) from the first study, included 15 patients, was assigned to whole-grain food plant based diet for 12 weeks with no medication to DM. The second one was a control matching group (CG), of 15 patients, was assigned to conventional diet and medications to DM. At the end of follow up period both groups filled WHO Qol-bref questionnaire which contained 4 domains; Physical, psychological, social and environmental. Results: First study: Participant’s adherence to the dietary programme on a scale of 0 -10 was 8 1.5. Their endpoint BMI, FBG and HbA1c were 28.7 4.3 kg/m2, 102.9 19.6 mg/dL and 6.15 0.8 %, respectively. Weight loss was significantly correlated with baseline body weight, baseline BMI and time since diagnosis with diabetes. While Baseline FBG was correlated with baseline and endpoint HbA1c [p<0.01], However, it was not significantly correlated with endpoint body weight [p<0.08] and BMI [p<0.018]. Second study: The results of WHO qol-bref for the intervention group have shown improvements in all 4 domains of the questionnaire regarding quality of life in comparison to the control group of patients with diabetes and taking regular medications. Physical domain average scores were 57.7 point (±11.9) and 65.6 point (±5.4) for control and intervention groups respectively. Psychological domain average scores were 42.9 point (±17.2) and 64.8 point (±6.6) for control and intervention groups respectively. Social domain average scores were 39.8 point (±17.4) and 72.6 point (±14.4) for control and intervention groups respectively and environmental domain average scores were 52.3 point (±12.9) and 60.5 point (±7.5) for control and intervention groups respectively. All domains’ results were significantly different (p<0.01 for domain 2 and 0.05 for domains 1, 3 and 4). Conclusion: This study has shown that management of anthropometric parameters (weight and BMI) through diet, such as whole-food, plant-based diet, has resulted in a significant reduction in diabetes parameters such as FBG and HbA1c. In addition to improvement in patient’s quality of life.
- ItemEvaluation of Food Safety Awareness and Practices Among Restaurants Food Handlers in Northern of West Bank Palestine(2021-09-14) Nazzal, AlaaMore and more people are eating away from home each year. Food service establishments and restaurants are becoming a major source of food-borne outbreaks. Globally, food borne illnesses are caused an almost 1 in 10 people in the world (estimated 600 million) fall ill and 420 000 deaths worldwide in 2010 (WHO, 2015). Food borne illnesses are mannerism a significant load, that making food safety an important public health. There are limited data available about the awareness of food handlers in food safety in Palestine. This study was conducted was to evaluate food safety awareness and practices among restaurants food handlers in northern Palestine and their relation with some demographic characteristics. Moreover, to assess current situation of food hygiene practices in restaurants. Around 140 Palestinian workers in restaurants have been randomly selected from three governorates (Nablus, Qalqilia, and Tulkarem). Food handlers were subjected to face-to-face interview to fill validated questionnaire related to food safety information and practices. Data from questionnaire were analyzed by descriptive statistics (mean, SEM, minimum and maximum values). Results were evaluated using the ANOVA test of SPSS software. Differences in food handlers' awareness of food safety were not similar in the three studied governorates. On other hand, the percentage of food handlers receiving food safety training and courses was very low. Therefore, more attention must be given to food safety issue from policymakers and public health authorities sectors by training and proper health education messages are needed to raise the awareness of food handlers in general.
- ItemEvaluation of Palestinian Consumer Awareness to Food Safety and Hygiene(جامعة النجاح الوطنية, 2020-10-04) Odeh, Tasneem ZaherImproper handling, storage, preparation, and processing of foods have adverse effect on consumers. Therefore, consumer awareness towards food safety is an important issue. Food borne diseases can be minimized by increase the consumer awareness towards food safety. There are several interrelated factors that can affect consumer awareness toward food safety. Consumers in Palestine still have low level of awareness toward food safety. This study was conducted to evaluate the awareness of Palestinian consumers towards food practices and safety and their relation with some demographic characteristics. Around 300 Palestinian (32.1% males and 67.9% females) consumers were selected randomly from three different Palestinian governorates (Nablus, Tulkarm and Qalqilya). Consumers were subjected to face to face interview to fill validated questionnaire related to food safety information and practices. Data from questionnaire were analyzed by descriptive statistics (mean, SEM, minimum and maximum values). Results were evaluated using the ANOVA test of SPSS software (IBM SPSS statistics 21). This study showed that there was no gender effect on most parameters of consumer’s knowledge in food safety. Palestinian consumers trust health professionals, family, consumer reports, and scientists as sources of food safety information more than other sources. Lower age consumers exhibited higher confidence in the safety of food products in Palestinian market than consumers with higher age. On another hand, educational level was one of the most important factors in building the consumer knowledge in food safety. The confidence of consumers in Palestinian governmental food safety authorities is still low. So, more attention must be given to food safety issue from policymakers, food safety authorities and the food industrial sectors.
- ItemKnowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Dietary Fiber Intake Among Palestinian Adolescents in The West bank(An-Najah National University, 2020-10-08) فتحي, غديرThere is documented evidence that correlates obesity and non-communicable diseases with poor food choices and sedentary lifestyles among adolescents worldwide. Low intake of fruits and vegetables, high consumption of fast food, and low dietary fiber consumption are among the reported food choices. Despite the documented health benefit of dietary fiber consumption; the awareness about the importance of dietary fiber in health is poorly studied and reported among Palestinian adolescents. This study aims to determine the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice about dietary fiber among Palestinian adolescents in governmental schools in the West Bank, and to identify the associated factors that may influence their cognizance and practices. Methods A total of 818 school adolescents were randomly selected from 5 different districts in the West Bank: Nablus, Salfit, Jenin, Tulkarm, and Hebron. The main age of the targeted participants was 14.26±0.79 ranged (13- 15) years. Moreover, a newly developed validated questionnaire was used to determine the level of knowledge (16 MCQ), attitude (3 levels Likert scale, 14 items), and dietary fiber practices (3 levels Likert scale, 10 items). Furthermore, Socio-demographic data, medical history, and lifestyle were collected. Nutritional status assessment was performed by using anthropometric measurements. Obesity, overweight, normal weight, and underweight were defined using using the World Health Organization cut off points. Face and content validity was done for the newly developed questionnaire, followed by a pilot study. The reliability test showed acceptable Cronbach alpha; knowledge items 0.82, attitude 0.69, and practices 0.72. Results This study showed an insufficient score of knowledge, in which the overall mean of the nutrition knowledge score was (7.04 ±2.45) out of 16. Nutrition knowledge was significantly associated with gender, economic status, and father's education level. The mean knowledge score was significantly (p= 0.007) higher among females (7.26 +2.35) than in males (6.79+2.54). A statistically (p=0.031) lower level of knowledge was associated with students who came from low-income families (6.65±2.65). Students who have highly educated parents scored significantly (p= 0.00) higher levels in fiber-related knowledge as compared to other groups (7.49+2.46). There was a notable relationship between the four items of dietary habits and gender, for instance, males showed significant dietary habits such as eating regular meals (p=0.02), eating breakfast daily (p=0.00), and drinking enough water more than ten cups (0.05) compared to females. There was no vital relationship between the weight status indicated by BMI and dietary knowledge or practices, nor was there a significant relationship between the total score of knowledge and dietary practices except in two items. However, there were significant differences between males and females in fiber-related dietary practices and attitudes. What’s more, there was a significant relationship for most items of attitude and knowledge, also a significant relationship with three items of fiber-related knowledge and practices. Conclusion The study revealed overall insufficient knowledge about dietary fiber, with a statistically significant higher level among females as compared to males. The dietary habits of the study sample showed a considerable prevalence of unhealthy dietary practices.
- ItemLayer-by-layer coating of single cell Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG to increases viability under simulated gastrointestinal conditions.(Maram Mohammad Sbehat, 2020-12-23) Sbehat, MaramThis study was conducted to evaluate the viability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG microencapsulated by layer-by-layer (LbL) technique with black seed protein (BSP) extracted from Nigella sativa defatted seeds cakes (NsDSC), as a coating material, with alginate, inulin or glucomannan, separately, and the final coating layers number was three. The viable cell counts of the plain and coated L. rhamnosus GG were determined under sequential simulated gastric fluid (SGF) for 120 min and simulated intestinal fluid (SIF) for 180 min. Additionally, the viability after exposure to 37, 45 and 55°C for 30 min was also determined. Generally, the survivability of coated L. rhamnosus GG showed significant (p<0.05) improvement (<4, 3 and 1.5 logs reduction) comparing to plain cells (~6.7 log cycle reduction) under sequential exposure to SGF and SIF. Moreover, the coated cells were superior over plain cells under treatment with high temperatures. The study has shown that, BSP and inulin have provided the best protection of L. rhamnosus GG against either in simulated GI conditions or under heating temperatures. In conclusion, the LbL technique showed a significant protection of probiotic cells, making it a promising method to maintain high viable count of probiotics through host’s GI.
- ItemMETABOLIC ATTENUATION OF LACTICASEIBACILLUS CASEI ATCC 393 USING AN EMULSION MICROENCAPSULATION STRATEGY(2022-07-28) HaneenAlrjoobBackground: The attenuation of probiotic bacteria by microencapsulation can be considered as a physical approach to modulate the metabolic activities of the probiotic bacteria when inserted into the food matrix. The aim: of this work is to study the attenuation effect of microencapsulation on Lacticaseibacilluscasei ATCC 393 fermentative metabolism. Then, the attenuating system developed was used to probioticate a food matrix, an orange juice, to test the efficacy of microencapsulation to avoid physico-chemical changes during the storage of the beverage. Methodology: Two probiotic juices were formulated: LC_OJ added of the probiotic in free form and MC_OJ added of the probiotic as microcapsules of 0.8% sodium alginate coated with chitosan. Microbiological and physiochemical tests were carried out for the two juices during storage for 15 days at 4 °C and 15 °C. Results: pH concluded that microencapsulation had no effect on pH when the juice is refrigerated. However the orange juice MC_OJ sample presented lower Titratable Acidity (TA) than LC_OJ for both storage temperatures, meaning that the microencapsulation lowered the TA. In this study, probiotication showed no effects on color change when the orange juice regardless the form of addition. The same is for the ascorbic acid content compared with the free cells form, due to the loss of the vitamin C content during samples preparations and storage. The concluded results for LC_OJ and MC_OJ, demonstrated that microencapsulation of L. casei ATCC 393 didn’t have an attenuation effect. Both LC_OJ and MC_OJ presented high viable counts. Conclusion: when the probiotic L. casei ATCC 393 is added to orange juice there is no need of attenuation. Moreover, orange juice represent a suitable matrix for the probiotication maintaining constant chemical and physical parameters over time and simultaneously ensuring the survival of the probiotic. Keywords: Attenuation, L.casei ATCC 393, Orange Juice, Viable counts, pH