The most plentiful renewable energy source on Earth is solar energy. It is one of the greatest fossil fuel substitutes and is regarded as a reliable, low-risk renewable energy source. The sun provides solar energy, which may be harnessed in a variety of ways. The solar energy system we will utilize for this project is the solar energy tracking system, which places an item at an angle with regard to the sun. One of the most common applications for solar trackers is positioning solar panels (photovoltaic panels) so that they remain perpendicular to the Sun's rays and can determine the proper Sun's direction. Solar trackers change the direction a solar panel faces in response to the Sun's position in the sky. More sunlight is received by keeping the panel perpendicular to the Sun. less light is reflected and more energy is absorbed when it hits the solar panel. It is possible to turn the energy into power. Less light is reflected and more energy is absorbed when something hits the solar panel. It is possible to turn the energy into power. Solar tracking system is mainly of two types: Single-axis solar tracking system and Dual axis solar tracking system. This project will demonstrate how to build a dual-axis solar tracker using Arduino. Dual-axis trackers are able to move in two directions, so they always face the sun. Azimuth-altitude and tip-tilt are two instances of kinds. Positioning a mirror and directing sunlight along a fixed axis onto a stationary receiver are common applications for dual-axis tracking. Since they monitor the sun both vertically and horizontally, these trackers aid in generating the most solar energy possible at any one time