Conference on the Role of Translation in Dialogue of Civilizations

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    Influence of Translation on the Thought of Rafa’ Tahtawi
    (2007-10-21) Prof. Adel Abu Amsha
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    Translating Keats's "Ode to Autumn" into Arabic Poetry: A Practical Approach
    (2007-10-21) Dr. Mu'tasem Tawfiq Khader

    This study is a demonstration of my understanding of poetry translation from a personal, practical perspective and presents an insight into the nature of this type of translation, which is subjective because the translator cannot be neutral. In this paper, I record my experience in translating Keats' "Ode to Autumn," presenting my ideas, feelings, impressions, and the steps I followed while translating this ode. I also present scholars' and translators' ideas349and opinions that supported mine. By using this practical approach, I tackled a number of issues related to translating poetry and the reader’s appreciation of and pleasure from the product of the translation, which I consider the criterion for success. Thus, I emphasize the reader's importance in this approach and present to him, as an example to judge, my translation into Arabic of Keats’ “Ode to Autumn". However, this approach does not underestimate translation theories. At the end of this paper, there is an appendix that includes “Ode to Autumn,” followed by two literary translations of this poem, in which I use the traditional form and the free verse form, respectively.

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    Translation of Humanities and Sciences: Exploring the Various Expects
    (2007-10-21) Dr. Jamal Abu Maraq

    This study aims at investigating the advantages and disadvantages of translation as viewed by instruction staff in Hebron University,Alquds Open University and Polytechnic University at Hebron district. It also aims at showing the differences in the variables(gender, specialization, education degree) at Hebron district. The study tends to reveal the efforts of Muslims philosophers in translation and localization using content analysis and descriptive analysis approach. The sample was 102 (72 males and 30 females).A questionnaire was applied on the sample after investigating its reliability and validity and being piloted on a sample of 52.The study showed that the total degree for the advantages and disadvantages of translation as viewed by instruction staff is very high as the mean reached (3.70) and a standard deviation of (0.38)and in the rest of the domains of the questionnaire were very high. For example, the mean of human science domain was 4.09 and withal standard deviation of 0.62. In the pure science, the mean was 3.70with a standard deviation of 0.47. The mean of human and prescience domain was 3.59 and with a standard deviation of 0.44. The results also showed that there is a statistical significant difference son the level (0.05) in the advantages and the disadvantages in the subjects regarding the gender domain since the statistical significance was) ∝0.05 >) for the favor of females (mean 3.71) and males (mean = 3.43).Results also showed that there are no differences in the specialization domain since the statistical significance was (∝ <(0.05) and this is not statistically significant. The responses means of the total degree were (3.57) compared with (3.49).Results also showed that there a significant correlation between the two domains of human and pure science. This correlation coefficient was positive (0.675). The study concluded various recommendations and conclusions.

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    Variation of Understanding the Crusade Wars between Western and Islamic Civilization
    (2007-10-21) Dr. Bilal Shafei

    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى توضيح التباين في المفاهيم في مصطلح الحروب الصليبية عند الغرب والمسلمين حيث أن استعمال هذا المصلح في اللغات الأوروبية يقابل بسوء فهم عند المسلمين، فالمعاني الضمنية الايجابية لهذا المصطلح في اللغات الغربية التي تعبر عن جهد نبيل ومحاولة يفتخر من اجل هدف سامي أو ضد شيء سيء أو مشين، فمثلا يقال وبشكل طبيعي في حملة ضد المخدرات قامت الحكومة "بحرب صليبية" ضد المخدرات، بينما إذا قيل حرب صليبية ضد الإرهاب فان الكلمة سيكون لها وقع سيء عند المسلمين (والعديد من المسيحيين الأرثوذكسيين الشرقيين كذلك) لما تعبر هذه الكلمة عن صور ذهنية لمحاربين متعطشين للدماء يحرقون الأخضر واليابس وهم ينطلقون باتجاه الأراضي المقدسة......

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    Translation in the Abbasid Age
    (2007-10-21) Dr. Jalal H. Salamah