Customizable Service Provider Platform

The Customizable Service Provider Platform is a versatile solution comprising a mo- bile application and a website tailored to empower a wide range of service providers, whether they are established companies or individual freelancers. This project aims to streamline the service request process for clients and enhance e ciency for ser- vice providers, addressing complexities across various domains such as homecare, gardening, electrical services, maintenance, and more. The platform integrates fea- tures from existing platforms, o ering a uni ed and highly customizable space for service providers to personalize their o erings. Noteworthy functionalities include service categorization, pricing, and request management for providers, along with a straightforward booking process for customers. The application facilitates commu- nication through a noti cation system and chat functionality. Di erent user types enjoy varying privileges, with administrators having full control over customization. The platform's signi cance lies in its ability to cater to the diverse needs of service providers and clients in a uni ed manner, acknowledging the varied structures of ser- vice providers, be they companies or freelancers. With a focus on customization and e ciency, the project responds to market demands for a comprehensive, adaptable service provider solution that accommodates the nuances of di erent organizational types. The platform is developed using modern tools and technologies. React was used for web front-end development, React Native for mobile app development, and Spring Boot for the robust back-end infrastructure.