Health Monitoring System

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Wa’ad Khalifa
Aseel Bustami
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With the recent rapid technological progress, technology has had a significant and noticeable impact in various fields. The Internet of Things (IoT) has successfully dominated most of the industrial sector, particularly automation and control, as well as the health and biomedical industries. In normal cases, doctors carry out medical examinations of patients, so it begins with recording preliminary reports for patients and then conducting examinations. It takes time and effort, especially if there are cases that are more important than others, so the fear is that some cases will be neglected at the expense of others. To solve this problem, a solution was found so that the patient is monitored remotely and the necessary examinations are performed for the patient using modern technology. These examinations are almost equivalent to the traditional examinations that are conducted face to face, as they have several advantages as they are less expensive, effective, and comfortable for the patient and achieve satisfactory results. With the increasing use of the Internet and the increase in dependence on mobile phones and devices in general, it has become possible to manufacture health monitoring devices that can be worn or carried to any place and used at any time and anywhere, and sending the results to the doctor, for example, without the need to go to the hospital and do repeated examinations, So that the doctor is constantly informed of the results to inform the patient, if necessary, to come to the hospital. In this project, a model was designed to monitor the patient’s health status. This system facilitates the process of diagnosis and examination for the patient as the body temperature, heart rate, blood oxygen and ECG signals are measured, using the following sensors respectively: DS18B20, MAX30100, and AD8232. In addition to an alarm for medicine times. In addition to a bracelet to detect the patient in the event of a sudden fall by notifying family member and sending them a message immediately upon its occurrence via WiFi module. This will be done by building fall detection device using NodeMCU and MPU6050 sensor module which will be used as microcontroller and Wi-Fi module, to connect with IFTTT to send messages. This project consists of two parts, consisting of two devices. The first device is for measuring the vital signs of the body. This information is shown directly on the Nextion screen (touch screen) and at the same time it is sent to the Blynk application(website and mobile app). The second device, which is the bracelet, which works as a fall detection system with a sensor to measure the heartbeat, so that the information is sent directly by message via IFTTT to one of the patient’s family member to alert them to the patient’s condition