تنمية حضرية متكاممة لممدن الرائدة منطقة بيت لحم الحضرية

Recently, Palestinian cities have witnessed rapid population growth and urban development at all levels, and also the expansion of rural communities to urban areas near them, which led to the appearance of continuous urbanization of these communities, thus the inability to separate them and distinguish the boundaries among them. However, these contiguous communities are not seen as one, so they separately planning even that they are similar in the urban fabric, this has led to increasing urban problems such as overcrowding and the inability to provide services effectively and consume all available resources, most importantly the land. All this called for the need to reconsider planning in an integrated manner for these cities and urban areas, and to develop appropriate solutions to ensure the integration of planning in all sectors, and the conservation of resources and optimize their use during the various challenges and obstacles that facing the Palestinian cities. This research came to study Bethlehem urban area, which was selected because of its religious and tourist importance, which includes six urban communities (Bethlehem, Beit Sahour, Beit Jala, Aldoha, Alkhader, and Artas), where they were analyzed in detail and comprehensive way to identify the possibilities and opportunities, the problems and risks they face to come up with proposals and recommendations for the development of the urban area in terms of integrated planning through the preparation of a single integrated plan for this urban area. The plan illustrates the integration of land use planning and the road network that links the communities of the urban area, the public transportation in addition to the study of public services and providing an advanced infrastructure.
تنمية حضرية متكاممة لممدن الرائدة منطقة بيت لحم الحضرية , دياال نعيم عودة
تم تقديم هذا البحث كمتطلب لمشروع التخرج بقسم هندسة التخطيط العمراني، كلية الهندسة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات، جامعة النجاح الوطنية