Automatic Power Factor Controller using Artificial Intelligence Technique
Mohammad Mustafa Fayek Issa
Mo’men Sa’ad Essam Salhab
Amr Mohammed Kamel Awaisa
Ala’a Haitham Fawzi Bani Fadil
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At the height of the renaissance of electrical engineering and electrical power systems, it is
necessary to pay attention to the efficiency of electrical energy and give it the greatest possible
attention, to flow power with high efficiency and reduce the losses in the network. This reduces
the energy generated in power plants and reduces resources such as coal and oil that used on it, to
maintain a clean environment free of gas emissions into the atmosphere. One of the most influential
factors on losses is the increase in current passing through the network due to a low power factor.
Therefore, Automatic Power Factor Controller using Artificial Intelligence Technique used to
make power factor correction and compensate from the negative effects of electrical loads such as
motors that result in a low power factor of the network. In this project, the power factor be
Measured, Monitored, and controlled. If the value of Power factor becomes with negative effect
on the Network as leading or lagging power factor, controlled it to achieved value [0.93 – 0.97]
lagging by the use of capacitors or reactors. And measuring and displaying : “Power Factor,
Voltage, Current, Real Power, Reactive Power, Energy, and average power factor”. Artificial
intelligence used for improvement, control, monitoring, and taking the necessary appropriate
measures to avoid problems in the operation of the system, obtain the best possible results, and
facilitate the user.