Find Place

Nowadays, people tend to rent and buy real estate of different types more than before, but many problems may face those who are looking for a property or the owner about safety and credibility and obtaining the desired purpose as soon as possible. In this project, we turn to design a mobile application to facilitate the work of all parties and save time.For all parties that the application will help them, they must create an account on the application, the owner to put details about his estates, put images for it he will have page or pages to be allowed to him to add or edit the details about his estates that he offers them or he wants to add them, he can accept or decline the requests from the customers to rent or buy his estate, he can open a conversation with the customers in the event of the possibility of discussing some details about renting or buying process. The owner can be a customer if he wants to rent or buy an estate.For the customer, he can search for the property he needs, whether it is an apartment,House, Flat, Student Housing, and a Terrace House in the neighboring areas or any other area. He can also specify more specifications such as area, number The bedrooms,the presence of terraces, the budget, the duration of the rent, in the case of student housing, if he needs a room for one, two, or three people For all of these features, we will add an admin page to manage all the aspects of the application.