Movie Genre Classification Based on Arabic Synopsis

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Mansour, Ahmad
Barham, Mahdi
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Text classification is a popular subject in machine learning. It’s the process of assigning predefined labels to some text. However, most of the research is directed towards the English language. Other languages like Arabic feel neglected as the research on them is not as extensive. When it comes to movie genre classification, which is a subset of this field, it has been implemented in multiple ways for the English language. However, in Arabic, the research is almost non existent. Normally, movie genre classification would require a human to manually assign genres based on the synopsis, which can be time consuming and inaccurate due to bias and human error. It is very common for people to forget the name of a movie but remember the general synopsis. It is also very common for people to want a movie based on certain events. Thus, in this project, we are going to use genre classification as a recommendation tool. As we will recommend the top movies for the resulting genres. We are going to build a website, that takes in the Arabic synopsis for a movie as input and then use different machine learning algorithms to predict the genre of the movie. Then we will recommend movies based on the genres. The website will also have a login system and a profile to store each user’s prediction history.