Design of PV irrigation system and control based on Arduino

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Awaysa, Amr
Raddad, Karam
Abdulkareem, Ahmad
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when we're out of town for a few days, we're used to always worrying about our plants because they need water on a regular basis. So here we are in the process of creating an automatic plant irrigation system with Arduino, and with agricultural methods changing rapidly due to recent developments in renewable energy technology. Recent developments in renewable energy can be used effectively in the agriculture sector to reduce reliance on traditional crop irrigation techniques and fossil fuels . Fields and crops are usually irrigated by water pumps (powered by fossil fuels) which can lead to environmental damage and high agricultural costs. For agricultural use such as crop irrigation, the PV water irrigation system is the best technical solution. The photovoltaic water pumping system aids in pumping water and consists of solar panel arrays, a water well, a tank, and a water pump. In such a system, the solar cell generates direct current which is then converted to AC (using AC inverters) to operate the water pumps, this work introduces a new design for a solar powered water pumping system with irrigation control feature. Humidity Sensors, Heat Sensors, Water Level Sensor, Global Module (GSM) System for Automation and Wireless Irrigation Control are installed to reduce manpower needs, which keeps you updated by sending a message to your cell phone, in this plant watering system, soil moisture sensor checks From the moisture level in the soil and if the moisture level is low, the Arduino will switch the water pump to supply water to the plant. The water pump shuts off automatically when the system finds sufficient soil moisture. When the system is turned on or off the pump, a message is sent to the user via the GSM module. Overall, this project introduces a new, wireless, and automatic solar water pumping system and controlled irrigation system. This thesis illustrates a comprehensive study of using a large scale solar water pumping system in wadi al fara , Palestine .This system is applied on an average farm located in wadi al fara which has an average water consumption of 93.3 m^3/day. This study provides detailed system sizing . Sizing such a system has been carried out by using a software from the Palestinian hydrology group for water & environmental resources development, A 180 m deep well needs a 4.7 hP pump and 3.56 kW PV. In addition, water cost has been estimated with the provided data, to be 0.92$/m^3.