إعادة التخطيط والتطوير الحضري لمدينة طولكرم

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Palestinian cities are experiencing many problems related to urban replanning and development. The most important of these problems are high traffic density and unequal distribution of services. Most cities also suffer from the problem of random planning, and that development precedes planning, which leads to many problems, so advance planning is important, in order to provide more realistic solutions regarding the future. I chose this project due to the need to shed light on the issue of urban replanning and development, and the necessity of developing solutions and assisting relevant parties in developing solutions to problems, and because urban replanning and development would be a good option to address these problems and connect areas to the city’s various neighborhoods. Urban replanning and development also include achieving economic and social goals, and it is an effective tool that addresses the social, environmental and economic conditions of communities. This research aims primarily to conduct a comprehensive study of the reality of Tulkarm city, to diagnose and analyze the reality of the city, and to identify the problems and needs it faces. It focuses on replanning and urban development of Tulkarm city, due to the presence of many opportunities and possibilities, the most important of which is the fact that Tulkarm city is a sub-regional center, in addition to the presence of many urban challenges and problems, the most important of which are attacks on high-value agricultural lands. And as a resident of the city, I have good experience with it. The project focuses on replanning and urban development through organizing, evaluating and distributing services in the city, and expanding the master plan in the northern and southern regions.