Organic waste from a health and environmental burden to organic fertilizer

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Lama Azzam
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The waste problem is a global problem that worries all societies, and one of the best mechanisms to reduce the percentage of waste is to convert food residues into organic fertilizer (compost). The composting process has many cultural, environmental and economic benefits. Through our project, we will increase the community’s awareness of the concepts of waste isolation and benefit from food residues and converting them into organic fertilizer at the same time Building compost plants improves the national economy, provides job opportunities and a good product. To achieve this, we will present our experience in making compost at home through simple tools available in any home, and we will also display compost station designs suitable for developing countries and compare them in terms of many things, the most important of which are the cost, maintenance, effort, and the land area required to implement the project. Through our experience in making compost at home, we will deduce the signs of compost ripeness and the most important things that must be provided and applied to obtain a successful compost. We will also mention the most important things that helped us in our experience to increase the speed of compost decomposition.