Civil Engineering
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- ItemCauses and effects of delayed payments in public projects(2025) هند طه; لانا جمعهConstruction projects in terms of exceeding time and costs, and these negative effects are reflected in aspects of life, and on society as a whole, which calls for the need to study this phenomenon by identifying the main reasons for the delay in completing construction projects within the required time period. Among the construction management determinants, a project can be considered successful if it succeeds in achieving the following three things: 1. Completion of construction with the required quality 2. Completion of construction on time 3. Completion of construction within budget. In many cases, two out of three can be achieved and three out of three cannot be achieved, due to the complexities involved in construction contracts, especially if the trades and professions required by the project are multiple. Payment delays in public sector projects are a critical concern that can significantly impact the successful execution of these initiatives. Public sector projects, which encompass a wide range of endeavors, including infrastructure development, public services, and government contracts, are often subject to delays in the processing and disbursement of payments to contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. These delays can have significant implications on both the timeframes for project completion and the overall costs associated with these endeavors. Payment delays in public sector projects can have significant consequences on both time and cost. These delays can arise from various sources, including bureaucratic processes, budgetary constraints, or contractual disputes. This study can be divided into three phases: 1. literature review, analysis of data collection using a structured questionnaire through academic experts and professionals who involved in public sector construction projects. 2. The second part is to list the identified causes of delay in payment in public sector construction projects. 3. The third part is to determine the effects of delaying in payment which will harm to a construction project
- ItemAnalysis and redesign of Water Distribution Network for Asira Al-Qibliya Village(2025) عبد الحميد حمدانالماء هو الحياة، وهو أكثر ما يحتاجه الإنسان للبقاء على قيد الحياة على هذا الكوكب، ونقصه قد يكون نهاية الحياة. وعلى الرغم من أن الماء يمثل ما يقرب من 70 ٪ من مساحة الكوكب، إلا أن هناك نقصًا في موارد المياه وإمداداتها . ومع ذلك، فإن توزيع موارد المياه على المناطق المختلفة في الضفة الغربية محدود للغاية بسبب الاحتلال الإسرائيلي والسيطرة غير العادلة على موارد المياه . يهدف مشروع التخرج هذا إلى تصميم شبكة توزيع المياه لقرية عصيرة القبلية التي تقع جنوب مدينة نابلس ويبلغ عدد سكانها 3000 نسمة. سيتم تقييم شبكة المياه الحالية لهذه القرية . وبناءً على ذلك، سيتم إجراء تصميم جديد لشبكة المياه لقرية عصيرة القبلية باستخدام برامج الكمبيوتر ( مثل WATERCAD و GIS وما إلى ذلك ). سيتم استخدام برنامج WaterCAD في تصميم شبكة توزيع المياه. لتحقيق أهداف المشروع، أولاً، سيتم جمع البيانات ذات الصلة والتي تشمل )العرض والطلب على المياه، والتضاريس، والسكان، وشبكة الطرق، إلخ( من مجلس قرية عصيرة القبلية. ثانيًا، سيتم إعداد مخططات شبكة المياه باستخدام برنامج AutoCAD. أخيرًا، سيتم تحميل المخططات على نماذج التصميم الخاصة ببرنامج WaterCAD للوصول إلى التصميم المناسب . بعد التحليل، لم تكن النتيجة الهيدروليكية لشبكة توزيع المياه كافية بما فيه الكفاية، حيث تراوحت قيمة الضغط بين (13-134mH2O) ، مع قيمة السرعة تتراوح من (0-2m/s). هذه القيم لا تلبي معايير التصميم . إن التصميم الجديد ضروري لتحسين الوضع الحالي لشبكة توزيع المياه، وإعطاء معلمات هيدروليكية أفضل للضغط والسرعة. يتمتع التصميم الجديد بفترة تصميم تبلغ 30 عامًا وطلب تصميمي يبلغ 150 لترًا/سنتيمتر/يوم
- ItemGeotechnical and Structural Re-analysis of Existing Building for Extra Stories(2025) احمد قبها; عبد الله حمارشهThe graduation project focused on the retrofitting and redesign of the foundations of an existing single-story building to accommodate the addition of two new floors. The goal was to enhance the structural capacity and ensure safety under the new loading conditions while optimizing the cost and preserving the structural integrity of the existing building. The retrofitting process began with a thorough structural analysis of the existing building using SAP software. This involved calculating the current loads and assessing the structural performance of the foundations. The additional loads resulting from the planned two floors were also determined. Based on the analysis, it was found that the existing foundations required strengthening to support the increased loads. Several retrofitting techniques were evaluated, including enlarging the foundation size, adding reinforcement, and improving soil bearing capacity. The selected retrofitting approach was then designed in detail, ensuring compliance with applicable codes and standards. Finally, a redesigned foundation plan was developed, incorporating both the retrofitting measures and the necessary adjustments to accommodate the new floors. This approach ensured a cost-effective solution while maintaining the safety and durability of the structure.
- ItemStudy and Design of Nablus Tram(2024) عبد الرحمن رواجبه; حسام سلامهThe public transportation system in Nablus City faces numerous challenges and limitations. This study aims to address some of these issues by introducing a new mode of public transportation which is the tram. To conduct this study, relevant data were collected to determine the current demand for public transportation in Nablus. Subsequently, a questionnaire was distributed to assess whether travelers' preferences for public transportation would change with the introduction of a new and efficient system. The results indicated that 30% of travelers who currently use private vehicles would switch to the tram. The study analyzed the current state of Nablus's public transportation system, highlighting the need for improvement. Various mass public transportation options were examined, and the tram was identified to be one of the most suitable solutions. The study presents the general specifications and standards for constructing the tramway, along with the basic routes and a plan for the horizontal alignment to serve the majority of demand in Nablus. The tramway system was designed and scheduled to integrate with existing modes of transportation. Basic plans for project development and implementation were included. The assessment of the tramway system's efficiency shows that the Level of Service (LOS) at key locations of the network would be improved. Finally, the total project cost is estimated to be approximately 82 million dollars for the overall length of tramway routes of about 11.4 km. Keywords: Nablus City, public transportation system, challenges, tramway, traffic engineering.
- ItemInvestigating the effect of adding combination of polyester and crushed glass on the hot mix asphalt mixture(2024) لينا قادي; عبد الرحمن سلمان; ضياء عودة; نوال بدران; يوسف ضميديDue to the continuous increase in road traffic volumes and expensive maintenance costs of streets and relevant traffic components, combined with lack of funds and professional supervision, the invention, creation, and discovery of new and novel technologies and components are becoming an urgent necessity. On the other hand, developing countries such as Palestine faces many problems in roads such as rutting and cracking, and the use of polyester and crushed glass which is environmentally friendly and has low impact compared with other traditional engineering solutions may offer a promising prospect. There are two different methods for mixing polyester and crushed glass with bitumen, either dry mixing or wet mixing. In this study, the project team studied the use of dry method (Marshal method) for asphalt mixture along with ¾ inch hot mix asphalt and medium traffic, where the materials required for the mixture were prepared, then samples were formed with different proportions of crushed glass and polyester, then tests were conducted considering both materials and the results were compared with the normal HMA mixture. The results indicated that polyester and crushed glass additives improved the properties of asphalt mixture. As expected, after adding a certain percentage of crushed glass and polyester, the properties of the asphalt mixture were improved, in term of the stability, strength and durability. It is expected also it decrease rutting, cracking, and shoving and improve fatigue resistance, permanent deformation and stiffness. According to the results, the specifications are achieved at 15% from combination of polyester and crushed glass