Integrated Redesign of School of Fine Arts at AN Najah National University
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Adwan, Abeer
Hamdan, Haya
Amerih, Saba
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School of Fine Arts in An-Najah National University. It is the first and only college in Palestine to award a Bachelor's degree in Arts and Music. The College has paved the way for the Palestinian arts to join the academic studies, and has worked to improve the talents and prepare them well, to carry out the task of spreading and establishing artistic and musical awareness among the Palestinian people. Through its programs, the College seeks to prepare technical cadres specialized in the field of plastic art, applied art and music, to undertake the development of the artistic movement in the first place, while contributing to the enhancement of the artistic and musical culture in the Palestinian society. During the course of this project School Fine of Art redesigned according standards and codes. All engineering disciplines: architectural, environmental, structuraland electromechanical were studied separately,then used forintegrative redesign. At the end, the new design was compared with the old design,as a result the new design was best of the environmental, architectural and construction aspects in terms of better lighting, more insulation of the sound, larger room spaces and as seismic design. The steps for redesign the collage were as following: 1. Studying all the plans to find the faults and try to fix them. 2. Using AutoCAD program we put our notes and our changes and redesigns on the plans and preparing them for printing. 3. Using SAP 2000 program to design the slabs, columns, footings and the beams. 4. Using Ecotect program to analyze the building of the school to study the environmental effects on it for example, we erected some windows from the North to fix an environmental issue we faced and making a small gathering area taking care about the acoustical and daylight issues. 5. Using Dialux program to design and to know the right effects and the places of the artificial light on the eyes of the students. 6. Using AutoCAD program to show the places of each element like the place of the windows, doors, lighting units, steel parts, desks and table, electrical and mechanical pipes….. etc 7. Using Excel program for quantity survey. 8. Using Word Document to write the final report of the project. 9. Using Power point program to make a presentation for the discussion day. And after all of that we reached to the final base of our project