Design of Om-Salama Street in Nablus City

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Jinan J Turkman
Sahar R Antari
Hadeel S Yassin
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Tunis and Rafedia Streets are of the busiest streets in the western part of Nablus city. They serve An-Najah National University, Nablus-Qalqilya Road, and the nearby developments such as PALTEL. Since these roads carry large traffic volumes and experience considerable delay, this graduation project will help to design a new alternative road that connects both streets which will assist in the reduction of the large traffic volumes and the resulting congestion and delay on Tunis and Rafedia streets, especially at their key intersections. The provision of a new access for Rafedia Street and the nearby developments, facilitate of the development of the area and development of the whole street as it is not completely paved. The opened sections have low design standards, which need to be upgraded to solve the associated challenges. The aim of the project is to design the planned street of Om-Salama Street with right of way 20m, but not yet totally opened, starting from Om- Salama roundabout on Tunis Street to Rafedia Street at PALTEL intersection considering safety by providing proper sight distance on sharp horizontal and vertical curves, improving the geometric design on the existing parts of the street and assisting in solving the traffic congestion on Tunis and Rafedia main streets. The new design suggests two lanes in each direction with a width 3.5m for each lane, median with 1m width, sidewalk with 2.5m width. Also all internal intersections using vehicle tracking are designed. For Rafedia PALTEL intersection, a new roundabout is designed. The new profile for the street is set to satisfy as possible the level of the entrances of buildings along the road. Finally the cost of the project was estimated 3,246,090 NIS.