odeConnect: A Dynamic Platform for Learning Programming
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Abdullah Hamza
Monawar Abu Shalbak
Ameera Hakawati
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We have built a web-based interactive platform for online programming languages learning, starting with Python at its core. The platform aims to assess students in a highly effective manner through a learning path that is structured, whereby students can advance through lessons and exercises with points and levels-ish on progress and performance. A placement test will also help such people determine the most appropriate entry level for the user in question. Several other options include that of registering either as a student or a teacher. A teacher can add new languages, lessons, and exercises into the system, after being vetted by administrators of the platform. These administrators are responsible for granting permissions to the teachers for letting them to add content like programming language and lessons and ensure the quality and relevance of the material being added. This functionality further magnifies the platform's adaptability to various educational needs, maintaining it as a scalable and lean app for any new updates around programming trends. In general, this platform aspires to offer an uninterrupted learning ecosystem that develops each individual and promotes cooperative learning.