Integrative redesign of bank institution in Nablus

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A bank is an institution that mainly deals with money related activities and provides plenty of financial services. Also, a place with high security standards for people to deposit their money safely. Banks deals with checks and gives out loans for aiding people in need. As a result of that, banks are considered one of highest value buildings in any city/town. To understand the functions of a bank and how it operates thoughtfully, you have to acknowledge how every space included in the bank functions. Examples of the spaces in a bank, a conference room, meeting room, employee offices, safe rooms, etc... Most banks do not follow the guidelines and standards of an integrated design, that requires certain international standards and regulations to achieve. Exceptionally high Security measures should be applied to the bank, considering that banks are high value buildings. However, unfortunately banks generally don’t implement high security measures in design, which leads to higher risks of thievery and robbery. Other issues related to bank designs, space proportions/distribution, parking spaces, and waiting areas, etc.... the main objective in this project:  To design integrally taking into consideration, architectural, environmental, structural, economical, and safety aspects of the building. In order to achieve such goal a certain methodology had been followed. At the beginning, site analysis and literature review are performed gathering all information related to bank institutions, by reading educational books and articles, conducting a number of surveys to receive expertise advice. After gathering all the information needed. The procedure of achieving a fully integrated designs have been divided into a variety of steps. First of all, the architectural aspect has been improved including space dimension, distribution, and orientation using AutoCad programme. Consequently, the environmental aspect has been analyzed, by revising the topography of the building, buildings nearby to calculate shading and to achieve maximum comfort (checked by Revit programme/design builder). After that, structural checks and analysis have been performed to ensure stability throughout programs like SAAP and Etabs. Mechanical systems like HVAC, water supply and pipe distributions, have been taken into consideration to avoid any conflict with other systems, and achieve fully integral design. Then, electrical systems have been proposed including cabling and lighting distribution, power systems, and control panels which is achievable by using the DIALUX program. Last but not least, safety measurements like fire exits, firefighting systems, escape routes, and alarm systems are included in the aspect of safety design. In conclusion, an integrated design had been achieved following the standard of a regular bank, using various designing applications:  AutoCAD, is used to design the building in 2D to confirm if the standards and regulations are met.  Revit. is used to view the building in 3D which gives a different perspective of the design. Also used in some environmental checks.  SAAP, ETABS, SAFE, will be used to check if the building is structurally stable.  DIALUX, is used for lighting distribution and coverage.  ECOTYCT,INSUL,EASE, is used to design for acoustical comfort.