Assessment of road quality control/quality assurance in Nablus and Jenin Cities

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Abdelrahman Eisawi
AL-Hussein Shawahneh
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Quality assurance and quality control make an important part of the construction process to enhance the level and standardization of the project. The requirements of quality assurance and quality control in road projects have increased significantly in the recent period due to significant changes,advances in technology and high expectations of users. Projects big challenge is to combine high quality, low cost with less time. Through this project, the team are aiming to increase the efficiency of road projects implementation in Palestine in general, particularly Nablus and Jenin, by identifying the most important problems during project implementation and finding ways and solutions in order to avoid these problems and coming up with recommendations on how to implement quality assurance processes to improve efficiency. Why are roads in Palestine designed on the basis of a life span of 20 years, while in reality it does not exceed 10 years or even less. The project team concluded that the main reasons for such problem are due to inefficiency, lack of planning and poor quality of road construction and quality assurance the preferred concern of the project manager. During this project, data was collected from the relevant authorities necessary for the analysis. Important information and factors were also collected from previous studies that might affect the quality of the project and communication with contracting companies to fill out the questionnaire. Then the results were analyzed on the SPSS statistical analysis program, based on the analysis of the questionnaire, the following points summarize the most important results: 1- Continuous monitoring of the completed work and laboratory test reports contribute to improving the quality of the project. 2- Clear decisions by the contractor and the supervising engineer affect the quality of the project. 3- The presence of professional and skilled workers is important to complete the work within the specified time. On the other hand, the last three ranks in terms of least importance according to the point of view of the contracting companies participating in the questionnaire, it came: 1- Does the difference in specification affect the work? 2- Does the existence of a quality assurance guarantee help in improving the quality of the project? 3- Does the location of the street affect the speed and quality of work? Through the results obtained, the necessary recommendations will be submitted to the relevant authorities such as municipalities and consulting offices for consideration.