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    (جامعة النجاح الوطنية, 2022-01-12) Halawa, Wael
    Raising sheep in Palestine is not only an economic or income generation activity, but also a distinctive trait, cultural and tradition of Palestinian people. Livestock production is an integral part of Palestine’s agricultural sector, which contributes up to 46% of total agricultural income. The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of different suckling method on lamb’s growth performance and mortality rate. A total of 97 lambs were used in the study with lambing periods started from October 2020 to January 2021. Ewes’ parities were 1, 2 and 3. Directly after lambing, lambs were randomly distributed according to suckling method into three groups. First group, natural suckling where lambs suckle their mothers (G1, 39 lambs), second group lambs fed completely with milk replacer (G2, 29 lambs), and the third group fed milk replacer at rate of 4 times per day (G3, 29 lambs). Single lambs of G1 were (59%) and 41% twins. Lambs from first, second and third parity were 8, 21 and 28%, respectively. Single lambs of G2 were 62% while twin lambs were 38%. Lambs from first, second and third parties were 14, 48 and 38%, respectively. However, 69% of G3 were singles. Most of the singles (44%) and twins (21%) lambs were from the second parity. Same trend was for lambs of G2 and G3. After half an hour of lambing, lambs were isolated from their dams and placed in small wooden boxes provided by heaters and given colostrum twice daily. The natural suckling lambs (G1) were kept with their dams for free suckling until weaning at 60 days of age. However, the artificial suckling groups (G2) were isolated from dams and fed milk replacer adlibitum until weaning at 40 days of age. Lambs of the) G3(were isolated from mothers and took their milk replacer through automatic suckling machine 4 times a day half hour each time until weaning at 40 days. Results of this study showed that suckling method had no effect (P>0.05) on weaning weight at age at 40 and 60 days of single lambs. Weaning weights at 40 d were 13.7, 12.83 and 13 kg for lambs in G1, G2 and G3, respectively. The rate of mortality was affected (P<0.05) by suckling method. Mortality rate decreased from 18% in G1 to 7 and 3.5% in G2 and G3, respectively. Most of dead lambs were in single lambs. Liter size and suckling method had no effects (P>0.05) on total weight gain and average daily gain of lambs. Also, mortalities were not affected by these parameters. Sex of lambs and suckling method had no effect (P>0.05) on total weight gain and the average daily gain. Lambs total gain and average daily gain were not affected (P>0.05) by numbers of ewe’s parity. Significant cost effect (P<0.05) were observed by feeding milk replacer to suckling lambs. Cost of milk per lamb was reduced from 120 to 40 USD. It was concluded that significant reduction will be achieved through feeding milk replacers to suckling lambs. However, these reductions are expected from the saving in milk expenses and the significant decrease of lamb’s mortality rate. We recommend to use milk replacer in manage of newborn lambs.
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    (جامعة النجاح الوطنية, 2022-02-10) حامد أحمد اشتيه, معين
    الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو معرفة تأثير تغذية أشكال مختلفة من سعف النخيل (DPL) وقشر اللوز (AH) على أداء تسمين الحملان والجدوى الاقتصادية لهذه الممارسة. تم دمج كلاهما سعف النخيل (DPL ) وقشر اللوز (AH) في علائق التسمين كمكونات خام، (مجروشه أو سيلاج أومعالجة قلوية). تم استخدام ثمانية وعشرين خاروف هجينا في هذه الدراسة. قسمت الخراف إلى سبع مجموعات، في كل مجموعة أربعة خراف. كانت المجموعة (G1) عبارة عن مجموعة شاهد , العليقة تحتوي على 85٪ مركز و15٪ قش قمح، اما بالنسبة للمجموعات التجريبية G2 إلى G7، إضافة المخلفات إلى العلائق لتحل محل نصف قش القمح. تم حساب نسبة الهضمية وقياس تحليل الدم ودراسة خصائص الذبيحة في نهاية التجربة 87 يوم. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن استخدام المخلفات الزراعية من (DPL&AH) لم يكن لها أي تأثير على معايير الأداء (تناول العلف، FI، زيادة الوزن، WG، نسبة الكفاءة التحويل للعلف، FCR). لم تتأثر قابلية هضم العناصر الغذائية وخصائص الذبيحة والأعضاء الداخلية ونتائج تحليل الدم بنوع النظام الغذائي المقدم مقارنة بالشاهد. كما تبين ان تغذية المجموعات المختلفة باستخدام DPL وAH ادى إلى خفض تكلفة التغذية بنسبة تصل إلى 20٪. أن تغذية المجموعات على DPL وAH في شكلها الخام او سيلاج، او معالجتها قلويا) له فائدة كبيرة في الزيادة الوزنية، والكفاءة التحويلية. كما انها تقلل من تكاليف سعر الاعلاف المستخدمة في عملية التسمين. بالإضافة إلى حماية البيئة من التلوث , كما ينبغي التحقيق في أفضل مستويات التغذية والحصول على افضل النتائج .
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    (جامعة النجاح الوطنية, 2022-01-09) عبد الفتاح خليل غنام, نادية
    أجريت هذه الدراسة لمعرفة أثر إضافة كسبة حبوب القزحة على أداء وخواص ذبيحة دجاج اللحم. تم تكسير كسبة حبوب القزحة إلى أجزاء صغيرة إضافتها بنسبة (0 , 1.5 ,2.5 , 3.5 %) إلى عليقة دجاج اللحم لتكوين أربعة معاملات غذائية، بالإستعانة ب 336 صوص عمريوم من صنف (روس 308) وتم استخدامها حتى عمر 41 يوم. تم قياس كمية العلف المستهلك والزيادة في الوزن اسبوعيا ومن خلالها حساب كفاءة التحويل الغذاء. عند الوصول إلى عمر 41 يوم تم أخذ 12 عينة من كل معاملة بطريقة عشوائية وذلك لمعرفة ودراسة خواص اللحم. تبين من نتائج هذه الدراسة أن إضافة مسحوق كسبة القزحة إلى عليقة دجاج اللحم لايؤثر على الزيادة الوزنية أومعدل استهلاك العلف أو كفاءة التحويل الغذائية وقطع اللحم والأعضاء الداخلية. يمكننا القول أن إضافة مسحوق كسبة القزحة لم يؤثر سلبا على أداء الطيور ولذلك يمكن إضافته بنسبة 3.5% إلى عليقة الدجاج اللاحم.
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    The Biological and Economical Feasibility of Feeding Barley Green Fodder and its Modifications on Lactating Awassi Ewes
    (2014) AbdalRahim M. A. Saidi; Prof. Jamal Abu Omar
    The objectives of this experiment were to investigate the botanical and biological value of hydroponic barley (HB) as a feed ingredient for lactatingawassi ewes. Three forms of HB were investigated. The first was planting barley grains alone (HB) while in the second and third were planting barley grains mixed with olive cake (HBOC) and almond hulls (HBAH). The green fodder produced from these three forms was used in feeding 4 lactating ewes in each group being fed one of the HB forms for 70 days and performance and milk parameters were tested. Results of the experiment showed that the green fodder yield in 8 days germination cycle was 6.6,6.5 and 7.5 kg per 1 kg barley grains of green fodder from HB,HBOC and HBAH,respectively. Mixed barley grain with OC and AH to barley grains as germination media had no advantages in regard to biomass and nutritive value. The form of HB had no effects on milk yield, milk composition, feed intake, body weight changes; however, HB of different forms had positive effects on ewe’s healthy conditions, mortalities, conception rates and abortion. In conclusion HB of any form can be used as feed for lactating sheep as cost of feed can be reduced by 42% under HB feeding.
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    The Effect of Supplemental Enzymes in Diets Containing Two Levels of Corn Distillers' Dried Grains with solubles on Performance of Broiler Chickens
    (2014) Hani Kamel Zidan; Dr. Maen Samara
    This experiment was conducted at An- najah university farm in Tulkarm to investigate the effects of different levels of dietary enzyme preparations and diets formulated to contain or not distillers dried grains with solubles on performance of broiler chicks and carcass characteristics. The experiment was 2×4 factorial arrangements with diets containing two levels of DDGS ( 0 and 10%) and four levels (0, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25 g/kg) of commercial enzyme product (Avizyme). A total number of 256 Ross 308 one day-old commercial broiler chicks were randomly assigned to eight experimental diets which replicated four times with 8 birds per replicate. Birds were given starter diets from 1to 21 days and finisher diets from 22 to 35 days. Body weight ,feed intake, feed conversion ratio and cost of feed per kg live weight were determined at weekly basis till the end of experiment. Four chicks were selected and slaughtered to determined the carcass yield and weights of cuts. The results of this study indicated that the addition of 10% DDGS without supplemental avizyme at starting period reduced (P<0.05) body weight (BW) and decreased feed conversion ratio (FCR) . This trend continued until the fourth week of age, however (FCR) were the same in all treatments in the last two weeks of age but in term of (BW) for the 35 days of experiment no significant (P<0.05) differences were detected between treatments but for (FCR) the results indicated that only two significant (P<0.05) differences were detected between treatments 0% DDGS supplemented with 200 g/ton and 10% DDGS supplemented with 0.25 g/kg which were (1.75 vs 2.08) respectively . The final cost (NIS) of kg live weight for broilers given 10% DDGS was higher (P<0.05) than broilers given 0% DDGS when no avizyme is added (3.7 vs 3.88). In terms of carcass cuts and dressing percentage, this study indicated no significant differences with respect to dressing percentage, drumstick, thigh and breast weights among treatment, but the intestine weight and fat bad %, were higher (P<0.05) for birds fed 10% DDGS compared to 0% DDGS with no supplemental avizyme ( 5 vs 3.87) and (1.5 vs 0.98) respectively. This study also indicated that liver, gizzard weights as percentages of live body weight were the same in all treatments except hearts weights which were higher (P<0.05) in diets containing 10% DDGS compared to diets containing 0% DDGS supplemented with 0, 0.2 g/kg avizyme .