Healthcare system basedIOT

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شتيوي, ليندا
داوود, مجدولين
فيضي, محمد
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The health care industry is in a state of extreme despair and the services provided by health care are more expensive than ever. As the world's population grows, chronic diseases have also increased markedly. The technologies and devices that support Internet of things have developed rapidly and their solutions are currently being applied on various domains of our life where the Internet of things has made monitoring in the health care system possible and easy which helps maintain patient safety and helps doctors to provide the best care for him and this saves time, effort and costs. This paper focuses on the healthcare domain. first of all, we create a specific language to modeling any system related to the healthcare domain. In addition, to complete a process of modeling we gathered all the sensors used in this domain. as a simple case study of Healthcare based on IoT. We establish three architecture design as follow Insulin Model, Eye Model, Smart gown model. Also, we build a specific simulator for Insulin case. It aims to evaluate how many doses of insulin patient needs. Further, we use IoT modeling framework (CAPS).