Robotic Arm Rover

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Bustami, Alaa
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The rapid change in control technology has helped us to combine between control devices and programming, the invention evolution of the microcontrollers which control big devices. This project aims to build a robot to enable the person to move objects from one place to another, instead of being moved manually. In addition to help people to deal with objects easily, accordingly the project will increase the mobility of handicapped people. This robot contains two parts: the first one is a car controlled via wireless keyboard that decides the direction of the vehicle (forward, backward, left and right), and the second part is an arm mounted on the chassis. The wireless keyboard also controls the directions (moving up and down, holding objects and releasing them) of the arm. Also, there is another feature of the project, which is a camera associated with the chassis to show users the surrounding area and the target object. This will also enable users to deploy live stream video sent to the laptop monitor.