Upgrading Of Refugee Camps (Al Fara'a camp)

In view of the camps need for attention because of the emergence of many urban problems and social, environmental , economical, health and psychological , as being a symbol of the Palestinian cause the goal of this project to draw attention to the layout of the camps and solving it problems and livelihoods and quality of life for its residents also It becomes a model for the rest of the camps . The upgrading was chosen for the camp being the best way to project and develop the camp in all respects and solve a lot of problems. This project focuses on solving the problems of the camp without needs to demolish large parts of it , also develop proposals accepted to the camp's residents while maintaining the model of urbanization. The beginning of the study of the status quo of the camp through existing diagnosis using field surveys and analysis it , then the result of it was vision and trends of planning that is through the work of upgrading scheme to match the population ,and then some detailed drawings illustrate the work process. Upgrade was based on the vision and planning orientations scheme so that stipulates "Upgrading of Fara refugee camp economically , urban and servicing in socially harmonious society In a safe rural environment as station waiting until to return. " Included trends of planning to upgrade the camp's urban and socially, economically , environmentally, and servicing.