Industrial Engineering

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    Assessing Public Acceptance for Recycling Facilities Projects: Case of Palestine
    (2024-07-15) Khalil Juma
    Abstract The Nablus Municipality bears the responsibility for managing solid waste and establishing landfills for waste recycling. However, there are external factors beyond their control, such as greenhouse gas emissions that have a global impact. The city's significant annual population growth and urban expansion have led to an increased demand for waste disposal sites. These sites must be located away from residential areas, office buildings, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities to prevent the occurrence of various problems and diseases that can harm people's health. Conventional methods like landfilling, incineration, composting, and solid waste handling are widely used for waste disposal. Composting and anaerobic digestion are the most commonly employed techniques for treating and utilizing the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW). The global generation of Organic Solid Waste (OSW) is rapidly increasing each year, primarily consisting of agricultural waste, household food waste, and human and animal excrement. Typically, OSW is either used as animal feed, incinerated, or disposed of in landfill sites. The presence of waste recycling stations significantly impacts the well-being of individuals. This project aims to examine various locations and propose feasible solutions to gain public acceptance of waste recycling facilities in the region. Historical data on waste quantities will be utilized to develop models for waste recycling stations. These models will ensure the safe and healthy management of waste, contributing to problem-solving in the future. Factors such as population growth, urbanization, and costs will be considered, aligning these models with the principles of sustainability encompassing environmental, economic, and social aspects. Ultimately, this initiative will enhance the municipality's role in waste disposal and promote a safe and sustainable environment. In this study, information was collected and opinions were taken from a sample of 608 individuals, residents of Palestinian cities in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem. A comprehensive research questionnaire was conducted to find out people's opinions about the problem of waste accumulation in their area and its causes, and to find out the reasons for their rejection of the presence of waste dumps near their places of residence.
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    Operations Improvement for Al-Shakhshir Furniture Factory
    (2024-07-14) Ruba Barmawi; Masa Qadi
    Abstract Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face unique challenges in maintaining efficient operations and staying competitive in the market. This project aims to address these challenges by implementing a comprehensive approach to optimize various operational aspects within Al-Shakhshir Furniture Factory. A primary focus is placed on production planning, where accurate demand forecasting, master production scheduling and detailed monthly production planning are utilized to align production activities with market demands. This ensures a reduction in inefficiencies and an overall improvement in productivity. The project also emphasizes the redesign of the factory layout to minimize waste and streamline workflows, thereby enhancing productivity and operational efficiency. Additionally, the development and implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are highlighted. These SOPs ensure that operations are consistent, efficient, and of high quality across the factory. Furthermore, the project addresses key aspects of inventory management, including the calculation of holding costs, reorder points and safety stock. Effective inventory management is critical for minimizing costs and preventing production delays caused by stockouts or overstocking. Overall, this project demonstrates how an integrated approach to optimizing production planning, factory layout, SOPs, and inventory management can significantly enhance the operational efficiency and competitiveness of the factory. By adopting these strategies, the factory can achieve sustainable growth, improved market responsiveness, and better resource management, positioning them favorably in a competitive market landscape.
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    Assessing the Impact of Maintenance Management Practices on Sustainable Organizational Performance in Palestinian Municipalities
    (2024-07-09) Nadine Suboh; Noora Jayyousi; Rand Hinnawi; Renad Abu Turabi
    ABSTRACT In Palestinian municipalities, a mounting backlog of maintenance needs has emerged within aging and vital infrastructure systems. A deficiency in effective service provision is attributed to subpar management and maintenance practices in maintaining crucial services such as water supply, electricity, road networks, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities. This issue holds significant relevance for research due to the current situation regarding these provisions in Palestine. This research seeks to explore the relationship between maintenance management and organizational performance in municipalities within the West Bank, with a specific focus on maintenance services related to water supply, roads, and public facilities. The research employs quantitative methodology. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to assess the impact of these identified practices on economic, environmental, and social sustainability and performance. The collected data were analyzed using structural equation model-partial least squares analysis (SEM-PLS) by the Smart-PLS software package. The findings of the research would be of great value for relevant stakeholders interested in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the maintenance department in the Palestinian municipal sector and its sustainable organizational performance. Conclusions and recommendations were drawn based on the results of the assessment. The proposed recommendations took the shape of a set of actions to enhance the maintenance services at different municipalities
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    Adding a new smart block production line for a brick factory
    (2024-02-25) KareemKalboneh; KhalilHawash; ZaidJrab
    Abstract An established factory is considering implementing a new production line for smart blocks, which adopts a new kind of concrete block that allows easier installation and reduced manpower to handle them. Still, this type of block is considered new and hasnever been seen before in Palestine,which makes it more challenging to introduce a new product to the already established industry.The addition of this production line will allow the factory to diversify its product offerings and potentially increase its profits by challenging the traditional block in price, handling and quality. Data analysis shows that there is a high demand for concrete blocks in the market from a questionnaire done and implemented in the study in the form of facts and conclusions implemented in every detail, and the implementation of this production line is likely to be financially viable. The new line will be efficient, with a high output and low waste. It will also utilize the latest technology to ensure the highest quality concrete blocks are produced, enabling the business to challenge the traditional thoughts of construction projects.In conclusion, establishing a production line for concrete blocks in this established factory is a good business decision. The high demand for concrete blocks, combined with the efficient and technologically advanced nature, makes it a promising opportunity for the factory to increase its profits and broaden its product offerings.
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    A Study for Designing a Layout of a Washing Machine Assembly Line in Palestine
    (2024-02-19) Wafaa Fawzi Ziada
    Abstract To complete the fulfillment of the requirements of the first graduation project, a study for designing a layout for a washing machine assembly line in Palestine. That concentrated on defining the product with its main components and subcomponents, the Flow Process Chart was used in defining and clarifying the sequence for each operating system of the washing machine and for the assembly line processes and operations, and a technical study was done for a technical possibility of manufacturing washing machines through field visits to industrial companies. The abstract discusses various principles and methodologies for designing an effective assembly line layout. Attention should be drawn to the mechanism for designing a complete assembly line for homemade washing machines in Palestine, also several important observations were taken into consideration, including the following: The area of the land surface was considered a large, undefined area, due to its lack of availability and existence in reality. Additionally, it explores the implementation of efficient material handling systems, including conveyors, and robotic arms, to streamline the movement of components along the assembly line. the output of the project is layout design, and drawing it using the software, autocade, 3d Max, and Visio. In this project, the distribution of departments on the surface area of the land that was assumed was represented in the following (raw materials warehouse, final warehouse, WIP inventory, production hall, services, and administrative offices). Based on the high demand a batch production should be designed in a continuous line flow assembly line. التخليص لاستكمال متطلبات مشروع التخرج الأول دراسة تصميم مخطط لخط تجميع الغسالات في فلسطين . وقد تم التركيز على تعريف المنتج بمكوناته الرئيسية ومكوناته الفرعية، وتم استخدام مخطط التدفق في تحديد وتوضيح التسلسل لكل نظام تشغيل للغسالة ولعمليات وعمليات خط التجميع، كما تم عمل دراسة فنية ل الإمكانية الفنية لتصنيع الغسالات من خلال الزيارات الميدانية للشركات الصناعية . يناقش الملخص المبادئ والمنهجيات المختلفة لتصميم تخطيط خط التجميع الفعال. ولابد من الانتباه إلى آلية تصميم خط تجميع كامل للغسالات المنزلية في فلسطين، كما تم الاخذ بعين الاعتبار عدة ملاحظات مهمة، منها ما يلي : اعتبار مساحة سطح الأرض مساحة كبيرة غير محددة، وذلك لعدم توافرها ووجودها على أرض الواقع . بالإضافة إلى ذلك، استكشاف تنفيذ أنظمة فعالة لمعالجة المواد و الناقلات، لتبسيط حركة المكونات على طول خط التجميع . مخرجات المشروع هي التصميم التخطيطي، ورسمه باستخدام البرمجيات، autocade ، 3d Max ، و Visio. في هذا المشروع تمثل توزيع الأقسام على مساحة الأرض المفترضة في ما يلي )مخزن المواد الخام، المستودع النهائي، مخزون الأعمال قيد التنفيذ، قاعة الإنتاج، الخدمات، المكاتب الإدارية( . بناءً على الطلب المرتفع الذي تم حسابه، يجب تصميم إنتاج الدفعة في خط تجميع ذو تدفق مستمر .