Adding a new smart block production line for a brick factory

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Abstract An established factory is considering implementing a new production line for smart blocks, which adopts a new kind of concrete block that allows easier installation and reduced manpower to handle them. Still, this type of block is considered new and hasnever been seen before in Palestine,which makes it more challenging to introduce a new product to the already established industry.The addition of this production line will allow the factory to diversify its product offerings and potentially increase its profits by challenging the traditional block in price, handling and quality. Data analysis shows that there is a high demand for concrete blocks in the market from a questionnaire done and implemented in the study in the form of facts and conclusions implemented in every detail, and the implementation of this production line is likely to be financially viable. The new line will be efficient, with a high output and low waste. It will also utilize the latest technology to ensure the highest quality concrete blocks are produced, enabling the business to challenge the traditional thoughts of construction projects.In conclusion, establishing a production line for concrete blocks in this established factory is a good business decision. The high demand for concrete blocks, combined with the efficient and technologically advanced nature, makes it a promising opportunity for the factory to increase its profits and broaden its product offerings.