تخطيط وتصميم ارض معارض / منطقة العوجا

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Commercial and commercial transactions represent the daily activities of people's lives. It is one of the fundamental foundations of building developed and civilized societies and an important factor in achieving the goal of development and urbanization in developing countries. All functional schemes and designs of population centres and .old and modern cities contain specific commercial areas and markets The concept of fairgrounds can be summarized as the geographical area in which various artistic, scientific and commercial activities take place. These areas are either for permanent or temporary exhibitions such as parks, playgrounds and public .squares The construction of the fairgrounds aims to provide an ideal environment and venue for important conferences, holding promotional exhibitions aimed at developing and supporting the innovation and delivery of local products in all global markets. Its objectives can be summarized as follows: organizing international and local conferences and hosting all production development activities to support different .industries Given Palestine's need for exhibitions and conferences, it organizes and hosts conferences and exhibitions inside and outside Palestine The exhibitions and conferences sector has become a significant share of the State's resources and economies. In particular, States with a high culture of productivity, it should be noted that this sector is no longer one of the formal welfare aspects, but is transformed into a strengthened development sector and keeping pace with aspirations and strategic plans of all kinds. Therefore, the urgent need to build an exhibitions and conferences sector is tailored to the requirements of the present and looks to keep pace with the economic renaissance. The future also contributes to revitalizing the overall travel and trade sector. The establishment of such exhibitions in the Bank also stimulates and promotes the spirit of competition between different local and foreign companies .as they seek to provide the best offers and services to their customers The land of exhibitions and conferences is one of the most important instruments for economic development. Countries are interested in their development. Associations, organizations and research centres have developed their own specialized interest in them. Organizations and companies have increased. Until it became an industry with its entity and an economic source. Given the importance of the exhibitions and conferences sector in the development of States' economy, States have given this economic sector and conferences in the market .special attention