Implementing Lean Manufacturing in the National Carton Industry Company

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Menawi, Ahd
Kharouf, Hala
Ishtehy, Safad
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Lean manufacturing principles have been successfully applied to manufactured products for several decades. It significantly reduces wastes in the supply chain and increases productivity as well as the quality of the products. The National carton industry company is located in Nablus city. Its managers have been working hard on continuous improvement in performance through the elimination of all waste of time and resources in the total business process. Their factory has different problems with inventory, safety and lead time between operations resulted from not having effective material handling system that leads to the delay of the production process and poor facility layout. This main goal of this project is to identify the main causes for wastes and use different lean thinking tools to eliminate these wastes. In order to achieve the objectives of our project, we will follow a methodology that starts from studying the current situation of this factory, and then we will study and analyze the implementation of the lean manufacturing process and concept, also achieve the strategy to eliminate waste of time and remove non-added value activities administrative activities and manufacturing operations. Finally, various solutions to solve the problem will be suggested to be implemented.