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Shahd Khader
Lama Ibrahim
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Musical instruments play an important role in expressing our feelings, and there are many of these instruments, some of which have many fans but are difficult to transport, such as drums. It would be great if they were easily and flexibly available for transportation. Our project aims to provide a single place for most of the musical instruments used in performances, such as drums and guitars, while providing a teaching system designed to help beginner musicians master the notes well before the performance. It will be easy to switch between the normal playing mode and the teaching mode. This unified place is characterized by the ability to move and move in a direction determined by the musician, which facilitates the transportation and organization of the space. The project is mainly composed of three parts: 1. Invisible drums. It is a 2-drum stick system used instead of the main drums. 2. Electronic Harp. A touchless interface where musicians can produce sounds by interrupting laser beams. 3. The Table. It provides moving various instruments and can be controlled to follow a specific path determined by the musician. 4