“Wire Wizard”

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Leen Shaikh Ibrahim
& Raghad Deraweh
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Wire customization and manipulation are integral to various industries, but the process often involves intricate calculations and manual labor. The "Wire Wizard Machine" offers an innovative solution to these challenges by integrating automation and user-friendly controls. This project introduces a versatile system that simplifies inductor creation, wire stripping, and the utilization of spring wires. The Wire Wizard Machine's features provide a seamless way for users to customize wires and inductors to their requirements. Features included in the project:  Wire Mode: Users can specify wire length, choose stripping preferences (right, left, both, or none), and select wire curvature (straight or spring). The machine executes these actions, delivering customized wires with precision.  Inductor Mode: Users have the option to input the desired number of wire rolls directly or provide values for inductance (L) and wire diameter. The machine calculates the required roll numbers, streamlining the creation of customized inductors. Report Organization ● First chapter: In this chapter, we will go through the introduction of the project including the problem statement, objectives, scope and significance of the project. ● Second chapter: We will list the constraints we faced and mention earlier coursework that proved to be helpful during the work on this project. ● Third chapter: We will briefly discuss the areas our project covers and some information about how these areas relate to the project in other papers. ● Fourth chapter: In this chapter, we will go into details of how the project works including all the algorithms and hardware parts and tools we used. ● Fifth and final chapter: We will show the contribution of this project and discuss the results