Mobile Application for Food Ordering and Delivery Tracing System

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Maram, Al-aghbar
Abu-Hadba, Maram
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Nowadays, food ordering and delivery applications are widely used. Convenience, speed, and ease are the requirements that customers want to have when they order their food. This project is for creating a food ordering system through which the customer can see the live location of his order during the delivery process using Google Maps and keep following up with the changes in order status. Also, it will greatly control the ordering process for both the customer and the restaurant owner/staff. Moreover, it will offer customers an easy-to-use interface that contains a menu and other simple features for users regardless of the young or old citizen to navigate. The system is built with the Android platform using Android studio software. The application is divided into three sides, restaurant, delivery, and customers. Each side has a limited activity that could be reached via internet service. All data are organized in a database table which is created using Firebase Software.