HHO CELL: Design, efficiency and effect

dc.contributor.advisorRamez Ibrahim Mohammad Abdallah
dc.contributor.authorAlaa Nazzal
dc.contributor.authorQais Obaid
dc.contributor.authorSuhaib Qaddoha
dc.contributor.authorAhmad Hakam
dc.contributor.authorMotaseam Qotmosh
dc.description.abstractHydrogen has been hailed as the key to a clean energy future primarily because it can be produced from a variety of energy sources, it satisfies all energy needs, it is the least polluting, and it is the perfect carrier for solar energy in that it affords solar energy a storage medium. Efforts are underway to transform the global transportation energy economy from one dependent on oil to that based on sustainable hydrogen. The rationale behind these efforts is that hydrocarbon-based automobiles are a significant source of air pollution, while hydrogen powered fuel cell vehicles produce effectively zero emissions. Besides the transportation area, fuel cells can also reduce emissions in other applications such as the residential or commercial distributed electricity generation. Hydrogen is the perfect partner for electricity, and together they create an integrated energy system based on distributed power generation and use.it has been touted as fuel of the future , however  it`s  becoming increasly clear that the next generation of cars will be hybrid vehicles , combining a small gasoline or diesel engine with a fuel cell and the research ongoing on that ,so far it they manage to do it with stored hydrogenThe problem of hydrogen it not easy to be stored, it require high pressure and special safety prudence which expand the cost of using the hydrogen fuel system , in other hand we could neglect that by using wet fuel cell  providing hydrogen on demand by electrolysis waterWet fuel cell major problem Summarized by low efficiency caused by electrical ,heat losses due to cell material resistivity and the strong polar bond in water in this research we will try to increase the efficiency and the possibility of using it as fuel.  The cell combine several stainless steel  plates  representcathode, anode and neutral Lies in distilled water connected with DC voltage source provides enough energy to electrolysis water, adding catalyst to water make it easier to break the bond providing hydrogen and oxygen gases which plumbed to the engine air intake which improve the Combustion due to high heating value to hydrogen 61,000 BTU/ lb comparing to diesel19,300BTU/ lb in addition to the  increase in the oxygen concentration in the cylinder as result torque and mileage increase and improve the efficiency   en
dc.titleHHO CELL: Design, efficiency and effecten
dc.typeGraduation Project
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