An Integrated Redesign of Al-Wafa'a Elderly Home in Nablus City

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Bakeer, Amr
Najjar, Ahmad
Al Jabi, Ismail
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When a person grows up, he has an increased need to receive help from others so that he can complete his life as he used to do before. For example, many elderly people have difficulty moving and need others to help them to move, as life progresses and people are busy with work, the elderly will have a feeling of loneliness; due to the preoccupation of their sons and relatives with them, thus this leads to great psychological damage to them in addition to the physical difficulties that they suffer, therefore, the duty of society and people to provide care homes for the elderly as a reward for everything they did during his life to society. These care homes provide the best comfortable environment for the elderly, as they provide all their needs and provide assistance to them, whether physically or psychologically. This graduation project has dealt with making an integrated design for the Alwafa'a elderly home so that the final design guarantees the optimal and most comfortable environment, whether from an architectural, structural, or environmental aspect, for example, the architectural aspect has ensured the provision of all spaces, halls, and rooms that contribute to providing a comfortable environment that takes into account the needs of the elderly, which the designers usually do not take into account, such as green spaces, activity hall, gymnasium, reading room, places of worship and other important spaces that provide the elderly with the ideal environment, Also the architectural design have taken into account the vacuum exits which have taken into account the difficult movement of the elderly and find a logical and clear escape plan that guarantees everyone's safety. From the structural aspect, the design has ensured a suitable structural system that does not overlap with the other aspects. From an environmental point of view, this design has provided a good level of lighting, whether it is natural lighting or Industrial, the design also has ensured the provision of suitable temperatures for the elderly, whether in summer or winter, moreover, the design has ensured that disturbance is prevented by creating a suitable design for acoustics. The methodology of thinking about this project has been done by reading references, scientific books, codes, and recommendations used in study cases, accordingly environmental and 2 architectural adjustments are made to the project in order to ensure the provision of a comfortable environment for the building inhabitants. Also, specialized computer programs such as AutoCAD, REVIT, ETABS, Design-Builder, DiaLux, EASE, INSUl, and others have been used to conduct the design, hence, the first step that was taken was to study the scientific references for the spaces of the building and compare them with the existing spaces and then make the necessary modification, therefore, spaces were added that give vitality to the building and after the completion of the architectural design, the appropriate structural system that is in line with the architectural distribution was also chosen. In terms of lighting, some modifications were made, such as adding vertical louvers to improve the level of lighting and make shading system to reduce high solar gain, as well as analyzing the cooling and heating loads, adding insulation, changing the type of glass to reduce the values of heating and cooling loads, studying shadows and solar radiation on the building and making any necessary shading systems, after that designing for various building systems shall be conducted such as artificial lighting and power design, HVAC system design, water supply system, drainage system, electro-acoustic system, firefighting system and finally, a definitive calculation of the total cost of the project was made.