Implementation of LEAN MANUFCTURING At Al- Aqqad Garment Company

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Ghassan Sleem
Lamia Fahed
Mutaz Abu Eisheh
Razan Atout
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 At present scenario, Lean Manufacturing has become a worldwide phenomenon. It is quite successful in drawing the attention of companies of all sizes as it can create superior financial and operational results when adopted. In this project we will try to apply lean concepts at Al-Aqqad Company -a Palestinian Jeans Pants producer- which is facing many operational problems like: high Work In process (WIP), long lead time, high production cost and fluctuating demand.  To apply Lean Manufacturing its necessary to understand the existing situation to find rooms of improvements, so the existing system was studied and analyzed. Timing of each process with allowances was taken, process flow chart, flow between machines and the factory layout were drawn. Value stream maps were made, calculations of lead time and performance metrics like production system efficiency and process velocity were conducted , and finally, forecasting model for demand was built .  As it was noticed that the existing production system had low efficiency and it was clear that the value added time was very small portion of the total lead time, so a new production system was proposed . Line production system which consisted of all needed operations in one line was suggested, after iterations and trials of merging operations, duplicating them or changing their order to have the lowest possible number of workers in the most effective way in the production line were made. After balancing the production line, a new production system with new flow between machines and different number of workers was obtained .The new proposed system flow between machines, factory layout , Value stream maps, calculations of lead time, performance metrics like production system efficiency and process velocity were conducted .  Huge improvements appeared when a comparison was made between the existing situation and the proposed situation .The number of workers, lead time, sewing department area and distances between operations were decreased sufficiently without affecting the productivity. Translation of the decrease in the number of workers showed that around 1 Million NIS of salaries might be saved if the new production system is adopted .  
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