Implementing Mystery Shopper Technique on the Bank of Palestine

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Abdallah, Fatin
Hamdan, Israa
Mashaqi, Rana
Janajreh, Zikrah
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Customer satisfaction is always the top prerogative in any business which is tried to be reached and achieved. Mystery Shopper “MS” is a technique that involves looking at your business from outside and measure the efficiency of your own key processes from the view point of customers. MS is trying to offer a better delivery to the customers to make them satisfied and a company can attract more and more customers if it is efficient in the market. In this project the implementation was on Bank of Palestine by using a form of evaluation designed by the students which takes into consideration five important dimensions of Servqual tool: (Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy, and Responsiveness) with 29 measuring items on a five Likert scale to evaluate the quality of the overall performance of 4 main head offices in 4 cities, the implementation stage consists of: distributing the evaluators (mystery shoppers), scheduling their time of visits during working hours (9-10, 11-12, 12-1, 1-2) with respect to (beginning, middle, and end) of month, the observations were taken between 26 Jan to 16 Mar, analyzing data using SPSS-17, the results showed that the overall performance of the bank is good in general but when zooming in, Ramallah branch is the least of the four but Jenin branch is the best, also when taking into consideration the evaluator’s gender the male observations all were positive but for female observations there was a problem in Reliability dimension. So as a recommendation to enhance the performance of the employee it is very important to make them feel special and satisfied with their job for example giving them incentives like having a program called employee of the month this may increase their loyalty and encourage them to be enthusiastic, also to provide special training to overcome specific weakness points.