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Maya Yacoub
Israa Shtayeh
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Project management is considered one of the main factors for project success based on prior planning and coordination as it plays a great role in preventing many of the project’s obsta cles and challenges. Because life is taking a great turn towards collaboration to accomplish various projects like university students and organizations who may need to communicate with individuals overseas in a timely and effective manner, project management tools and software have become essential. However, the ones that are available are prohibitively pricey and complicated for ordinary people. KANRI project seeks to provide a user-friendly application and website that makes it simple to manage projects and deliver them on time by allocating tasks to suitable people with profiles that detail their work domains and projects. Furthermore, each task’s execution progress can be tracked. Additionally, using internal and group chats, all users can effortlessly communicate with one another. Users can also be clients looking for people to complete projects for them according to their project field, providing a project brief as well as price and deadline considerations. To enhance client satisfaction, they will receive frequent feedback on the project’s progress and will be able to join meetings hold by the working team. The project is constructed on the Visual Studio code framework, using libraries based on JavaScript where the mobile application was built using the React Native library and the website using React representing the front-end. While the server-side was developed with Nodejs as the back-end. For the database, we used 2 types which are Mongodb and Firebase. As a result, Kanri will be available for Android users. Anyone can create an account by submitting personal, academic, and field of interest information. Each user has a profile that contains his information as well as projects that he has established and joined, in addition to the ability to contact him. The user can establish his own project, identify team members, assign tasks, organize meetings, request to join any project, accept or reject invites to projects, act as a client requesting others to complete his projects, and track the progress of his projects’ execution. The website will show projects analysis. All these characteristics serve to achieve the goals of helping people in managing their projects leading them to success.