E-Governance in Palestine and the MENA region (INDIGO) Project

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Baraa, Sabah
Dweikat,  Walaa
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Water is the base of life and nothing can continue without. Water is considered to be a very important part of life, its importance comes from that humans need water every day of their lives for different daily uses. However, there are many regions in Palestine suffering from the lack of water that is provided to citizens from municipalities. Many municipalities in Palestine buy quantities of water and distribute it to industrial facilities such as quarries, saws, and others, as well as the homes of citizens. Moreover, there is high population growth, where all of this led to disproportional water distribution from the municipalities between different zones. In addition, these municipalities have problems with the scarcity of data available, as there is only an old water system scheme that needs to be modernized. The proposed solution is to build a mobile application as well as a website targeting both citizens and water department employees. It will consist of a service request system, a complaints system, and a billing system, in addition to collecting information about citizens, organizing the management of water taps according to a number of standards, and finally creating a water network diagram showing the location of the main water valves and subscribers to each valve.