Movable Roof Controlled Remotely using Microcontrollers

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Atabeh, Ala’
Tubaileh, Ramy
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Shades have been used worldwide in different shapes and sizes. But they all share the same problem which is immobility. However, in the 20th century the idea of creating a movable roof was raised to meet the need of modern architectural buildings that can be used for different occasions and purposes. The project is aimed at creating a smart roof for buildings so it can be either opened or closed with a combination of two types of shades, one for sun and the other for rain. The idea of the project stands for creating a roof that can be controlled remotely through Wi-Fi network common between the microcontroller and the user’s smartphone. To make it possible, Arduino Uno and WeMo’s D1 have been used to control the layers of the roof, and with the aid of other circuitry elements a simple prototype has been built in order to clarify and give life for our nascent idea.