Investigating Cleaner Production Best Practices in Olive Oil Industry in Palestine

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Nashaat Ziyad AL-Othman
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Cleaner production techniques were adopted to develop the best practices of the olive oil extraction process industry in Palestine. The needed data were collected through a data collection tool “questionnaire.” This questionnaire was designed to be consistent with the used technologies in the Palestinian olive oil extraction processes, the data was then collected through interviews and brainstorming sessions with the stakeholders, after that the data was analyzed and evaluated according to the different analytical tools to generate the best practices (options) of cleaner production opportunities related to this industry. Based on the interviews and walkthrough with stockholders, the olive mills in Westbank general characteristics of OMW, and material balance analysis for input and output material, it was concluded that an environmental management system is needed to manage the OMW in Palestine. Different cleaner production options have been presented and elaborated. An evaluation tool was developed to grade and rank cleaner production options to seat the priority for implementation. The management and treatment option should be environmentally friendly to reduce or eliminate the OMW; the olive-mills management system has been analyzed from harvesting to end-of-pipe. A comparison between olive oil extraction was made, three-phase decanter the most popular in Palestine; due to mass production and acceptable quality, the environmental impact not considered and important for many. Two phase decanters in Palestine Not desirable; due to high investment cost and expensive disposal of by-product and wastes. Keywords: Cleaner production techniques, Olive Oil Extraction Processes, Tow-phase Decanter, Three-phase Decanter, cleaner production options, Waste reduction, good housekeeping.