Design of Wastewater Collection Network for Burqa Village

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Ahmad Hajji
Hassan Hassoun
Mohammad Abdel Dayem
Omar Nassar
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Wastewater Collection Network (WWCN) is the pipe system used to dispose of wastewater or convey wastewater to treatment facilities. WWCN is a very valuable infrastructure asset that has a significant improvement on public health and the environment as appose to other wastewater disposal methods (e.g., cesspits). This Graduation Project (GP) is to improve the situation of the wastewater disposal system in Burqa village. In the village, cesspits are being used to dispose wastewater. This, in turn, can potentially pollute groundwater resources besides the relatively elevated construction and frequent discharging cost of such systems. This GP aims to design a WWCN to serve the current and future population of Burqa for the next 30 years. To achieve the proposed objective, all relevant data are collected from different potential sources (e.g., the village council, PCBS, PWA, etc.). The collected data is analyzed and manipulated using appropriate software (e.g., GIS, Excel, etc.) to come up with a proper input data for the design of the WWCN, SewerCAD is then used for the design of the WWCN given the acceptable standards and specifications