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Ahmed Innab
Ahmed Ghannam
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Mechatronics engineers use technology to find solutions to problems concerning time and effort. Wearable robots (WR) are person-oriented robots. They can be defined as those worn by human operators, whether to supplement the function of a limb or to replace it completely. Robotic exoskeleton are one of the most important wearable robotic technologies, they can be used to compensate or empower human capabilities by enabling the valuable mechatronics technologies that concern to biological systems comprising a combination of mechanical, electrical, control and computer technologies. The main goal of this project was to design a robotic exoskeleton that can be used as a functional compensation of human gait which can produce a walking assistance for elderly people and those who have certain diseases which affect their walking or even help paralyzed people and those who suffer a spinal cord stroke to walk again. This project deals with the design of an EMG-based robotic exoskeleton which can be controlled by recording and analysing myoelectric signals that generate from the muscles activity, these signals monitor the flow of human-robot interactions by using human-robot interfaces to link the two actors. An integration of mechanical, electrical and control system will be built in order to design the proposed exoskeleton. This report covers this integration alongside with safety, comfort, and ease of use, this can be seen in report chapters. This project deals with the design and construction of robotic exoskeleton. This graduation project satisfies the requirements of Mechatronics Engineering.