Building Management System(BMS)
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Sara Zaid
Sabah Daraghmeh
Bayan Snouber
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Abstract Our project is about the building management system (BMS), by this technological development we will control the building of BURJ QASER AL-THAKAFA IN RAMALLAH, and The controlling will consist of many systems: lighting system, cooling system and O/C the door of barking, and we will use AutoCAD program to show the distribution of installations and the BMS requirements.As the boundaries between our personal and professional lives are disappearing, our homes, places of work and facilities are becoming more and more integrated. From the home office and entertainment center, to multi-functional work spaces, managing our living environment is providing us with new opportunities. Our key challenge is to successfully control all aspects of our lives and our spaces.We use BMS due to the solution that provided for heating, ventilation, Air conditioning, fire alarm , lighting, also it offer a complete control to satisfy the energy and comfort needs of all types of buildings from homes to commercial buildings.The BMS is a micro-processor system which centralizes and simplifies controlling, monitoring, operation and management for all building. In this project we design a BMS system for 5 floor building that contains companies, restaurant, barking and roof. Early development history of BMS1st generation (1950s)Remote monitoring panels with sensors & switches 2nd generation (1960s)Electronic low voltage circuits3rd generation (1960s-1973)Multiplexed systems with minicomputer stations4rd generation (1983)Microcomputer-based systems5th generation (1987)Direct digital control (DDC) with microprocessor & software6th generation (2002)becomes worldwide ISO standard Controller The controller processes data that is input from the sensor, applies the logic of control and causes an output action to be generated. This signal may be sent directly to the controlled device or to other logical control functions and ultimately to the controlled device. The controllers function is to compare its input (from the sensor) with a set of instructions such as set point, then produce an appropriate output signal. This is the logic of control. It usually consists of a control response along with other logical decisions that are unique to the specific control application. How the controller functions is referred to as the control response. Controlled Device or Output A controlled device is a device that responds to the signal from the controller, or the control logic, and changes the condition of the controlled medium or the state of the end device. These devices include valve operators, damper operators, electric relays, fans, pumps, compressors and variable speed drives for fan and pump applications. And in our project we will use electrical relays. Sensor type and specificationThe sensor measures the controlled medium or other control input in an accurate manner, and the sensor converter that measures a physical quantity into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an electronic instrument.Sensors are an extremely important part of the control system and can be the first.In our project we use 4 type of sensor, as follows: Motion sensor.LDR sensor.Water level sensor.Temperature sensor. The hardware and software:The hardware of the system consists of three parts: sensor, the MCU board, and the output installation.The sensor hardware consists of the motion sensor, LDR sensor, water level sensor and weight sensor connected to the inputs of the MCU board, the MCU board is a standalone Arduino UNO, and the output is a controlled device and we use in the project the electrical relay.The software part of the system was split into the programs running on the Arduino and the interfacing running.The Arduino was responsible for both capturing the input of the sensors and sending an action to the output.The interfacing part was responsible for reading the packets from the Arduino, converting the raw data into current/power information, and presenting it to the user in a clear fashion on the screen.Arduino softwareFor this part we wrote three codes first one for the lighting system and the second one for water pumping system and the third part for cooling system.After writing each part alone and test it we marriage them to get the final code which will control the whole system.For writing the code we use the next programs: Arduino 1.0.4, downloaded from And for simulation: simulator for Arduino v0.98