PAL Guide
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Khaled, Jarrad
Abu Jalboosh, Muath
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Pal Guide is an important project for Palestinians and any other nationality to whom want to visit Palestine specially the West-Bank , which used to specify the places and any useful information to the users about those places like ( Restaurants , Swimming pools , Universities , Hospitals , Malls , Routes , Directions , Locations , … etc. )
This project will tell the users their locations exactly ( in West-Bank ), give them a search guide for many things they need and it will view the result to them in a specific range around there locations with a specific manual of searching ( searching by tags ) .
It also will include an alerts , memories , own guides for persons to a specific place and photos for persons and places they went to on the aim of memorize it whenever they want , also it provides them a property of updating or adding data.
The Guide in public is a collector of data , information , memories , locations , places and photos which make the user reach to anything which is available within the project easily , quickly and descriptively way by tags searching , mapping , data base and information and attractive design and ordering .
In this project, we plan to make a web site and mobile application describing multiple features , by collecting data , ordering it in tables , create a web site and mobile app .
There is some guides for a cities and places around the world but this project will be made for Palestine ( West-Bank ) cities with all information we can include within to achieve the project aims and attract the users to use it .