Ahl Al-Quran

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Dweikat, Haroon
Dweikat, Baker
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Ahl Al-Quran is a platform for the management of the Holy Qur’an schools to help the Qur’an teachers in following up with the students in memorizing the Holy Qur’an. Ahl Al-Quran provides the ability for the teacher to add students to the Qur’an school, it also offers the possibility of saving the recitation data for students, recording attendance and absence, storing a section of the Holy Qur’an that the student must memorize in the next meeting, making exams in the Holy Qur’an, messaging system between the teacher and the student that includes text messages or Voice messages, displaying the student's history and displaying statistical data about the student, such as how many of the Holy Quran have been memorized. For the student's account, the platform provides the student's follow-up to the memorizing homework assigned to him, communicating with his teacher, and the account of parents following up their children and communicating with their teacher. The platform provides an electronic version of the Holy Qur’an in order to facilitate the teacher’s recitation and memorization process for the student. The Ahl Al-Quran platform will be available in the form of an admin panel website and mobile application for other users(teachers and students) to achieve the best and easiest experience for the users, and the development process will follow the agile Method. This project has not been done before and in the market, there are no similar applications that provide managing Holy Qur’an school.