Encouraging Children and Their Families to make Compost at home

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Mohammad Hamidi
Mohammad Nasasrah
Mohammad Obaid
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Solid waste is one of the main sources of pollution to the nature, plant and animal environment. Therefore, disposal of it must be in a proper way in order to mitigate its impact on the environment, and for this reason, this waste is one of the difficult challenges for governments and individuals in general, because getting rid of it requires several steps, from the beginning at the level of homes to the level of entire countries. In most cases, this waste is collected in huge dumps, and this is where the real pollution lies. Keeping these landfills without disposal leads to soil pollution and the elimination of plant diversity in the region, in addition to air pollution resulting from the unpleasant odors from these landfills, and these unpleasant odors and gases rise into the atmosphere affecting the ozone layer. If a person wants to burn it, this is a bigger problem, because burning this waste produces large quantities of toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other gases. If a person wants to bury it, some studies say that this method leads to the pollution of groundwater. Solid waste consists of organic and inorganic components. The inorganic components consist of industrial or chemical waste, and these components have the greatest danger to the environment because they are mostly non-degradable, and that is why scientists began to study how to reduce inorganic waste and found that some of them can be recycled and benefited from, while others are disposed of in the traditional way. As for the organic materials, a way has been discovered to benefit from them without getting rid of them, and this has become the trend in most countries of the world. It is their use in the manufacture of compost, the sacrifice of the world, to take advantage and trade this method for the optimal exploitation of this type of waste. That is why we must start from the basic stages of educating the community and children in schools, the necessity of collecting such waste to be recycled in the form of fertilizer that is beneficial to the crops and is not polluting the environment. When you learn such things in the basic stages that make it easier in the future and more acceptable, and they act as a motivating factor for their families and their neighbors.