Interactive Learning Management System

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Al-Boom, Radwan
Bani Odeh, Abdallah
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In light of the Corona pandemic, the whole world has turned to using e-learning as an alternative to face-to-face education, as it has become the primary means of learning for all age groups, and this change has led to a set of challenges and learning difficulties for school students in the age group between 14 and 18 years, so we decided to build a web application to help them with e- learning. The most important aspects that we will focus on in this project is to help teachers in the educational process so that they are able to deliver study materials and important information in an easy, fast and high-accuracy manner without regard to place and time, as well as keeping them so that the student can access them whenever he wants, as well as facilitating the availability of feedback between teachers and students, also helps parents to keep track the learning progress of their children. One of the most important goals that we seek through this project is to provide an easy and enjoyable learning environment so that the student can easily adapt to it, as well as motivate the student by doing various activities as well as facilitating the process of communication between students. and their parents with teachers. The process of developing this application will be as follows: Providing a suitable place for teachers to upload lectures, files and everything related to the course (worksheets, syllabus explanations...etc.) on it, as well as helping them to create quizzes to check students’ abilities and track their grades so that they can provide the necessary feedback for them. There are many applications and websites that help in the educational process, but they focus on education only. What distinguishes our project is that it combines learning and interaction. Such that, student during the learning will face a quiz at the end of each chapter, and he will not be able to jump to the next chapter until he passes the quiz for the current chapter, after passing each quiz he will receive motivational messages telling him to keep going. This will make the educational process more interesting and more competitive