Indoor Mobile Robot for Wi-Fi Localization and Navigation

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Zohdi Qawareq
AbdUlkareem Barakat
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Indoor localization has been researched widely in the recent two decades due to its wide range of applications such as navigation. One of the methods of localization is based on Wi-Fi fingerprint by using the signal power of each Wi-Fi in the indoor environment. The signal power measurements from Wi-Fi can be collected e.g., by an application phone that is connecting to the Wi-Fi. To obtain a good localization and produce an accurate navigation map the signal-power data should be collected at short distances, e.g., at each floor tile, and for different heights. That means in each tile at least three iterations are needed to collect the signal power data and for each iteration, it takes about two-three minutes for receiving all the required data. For example, it takes about ten hours to collect data for a small room, which is too exhausting for humans to do so. Thus, in this project, a mobile robot will be designed with a slider to autonomously navigates in indoor environments using Wi-Fi power signal data collected by using smart-phones. The slider aims to hold the smart-phone to move it up and down to take iteration for the different heights. The path for the mobile robot will be determined according to the design of the indoor environment. Also, to make collecting data easier, a Mecanum wheel will be used to make the mobile robot move in all directions without the need for the rotation. Finally, the collected data will be used for different applications such as having a mobile software for indoor navigation that helps the user move easily in a large environment like universities. The main objectives of this project are the following: • To design a mobile robot the is able to collect Wi-Fi power signal data in indoor environments without the need for humans helps. • To design a mobile robot that can-do mapping for different indoor environments. • To test and understand the signal power of each Wi-Fi in the indoor environment to improve the efficiency of the overall network. • The obtained collected data can be helpful to have an accurate navigation application that helps the user to go at any place in a large indoor environment like Hospitals, Markets, Airports, Universities and Governmental facilities. The system will consist of the following main equipment: • Arduino for control. • Ultra-sonic sensor for obstacle avoidance. • Dc/Stepper motors for wheels. • Communication module (Bluetooth or Wi-Fi). • Linear actuator to move the slider up and down. • Drivers for motors and linear actuator. • Wheels to move the robot in all directions. • Power supply.