Design of a wastewater collection network for Madama Village

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Hayat Al-fares
Ro'a ziyad ataya
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Water is important for life for all human beings and without no life exists. When this water is consumed, it becomes wastewater. The current practice in the majority of the Palestinian villages for the disposal of wastewater is by using cesspits. Madama Village is one of these villages that depends on cesspits for wastewater disposal. There are many disadvantages of using cesspits such as groundwater pollution and bad odors. In addition, there is a frequent evacuation and this sheds a cost in addition to the cost of construction. These problems necessitate the presence of a sewage network. When having a wastewater collection network then it will be easy to collect and drain this wastewater and this enables us to stop using the cesspits and enables us to treat the wastewater. We cannot construct a wastewater collection network without the pre-design of it. The very objective of this graduation project is to design a wastewater collection network for Madama Village using SewerCAD and to compute its total cost. The methodology that we followed to achieve the objectives is as follows. First, selection of the project idea and the study area, then collect data and design the wastewater collection system using specialized program such as sewerCAD. Finally, estimate the cost of the project and recommend a suitable wastewater treatment plant location