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Bdair, Rema’
Afanah, Ban
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Ouroboros is a tourism app that focuses on the cultural value of tourism. It helps provide users with what is similar to real touring experiences by giving them the ability of exploring places using the Augmented Reality technology (AR). These places can be currently existing ones or the past status of others. In addition to showing the views, the app gives relative information about them which can vary from construction information to social values. This app is mainly aimed to show people how certain views they pass by have been changed or even have gone. As seen from the developers' perspective, getting to see something in the eye is more enjoyable and benefitable than reading its history. It also makes it easier for curious explorers who do not get to exist in a certain place to be as much close to it as possible. Furthermore, the application is, for the meantime, ded- icated to the city of Nablus in Palestine. Some projects in the field of re-creating places from the past have been conducted, but none of them, until the time this report has been done, managed to be on apps stores. On the other hand, there are some AR applications and services available for plenty of users to give real time information of what they need like the AR Mode in Google Maps. How- ever, none of these apps have the two features of showing the current or the past statuses at the same time. The process of developing this app starts with manually collecting data consisted of photos and general information of famous places in Nablus like Tell-Balata. This data is processed to generate 3D models of the views that are, then, developed using the Unity engine to build AR ob- jects. The whole experience the app provides is implemented to deliver an Android application using Android Studio. Ouroboros is available on the web, too for an additional feature for users, which gives them the chance of tracking themselves in a tour and saves their memories.