The effect of using wastewater from stone Industry in Replacement of Fresh Water on The Properties of Cast Stone

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Yousif Younis
Heba Abu-Lebdeh
Haneen Dabbos
Aseel Al-Saleh
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Water is one of the most important sources on the earth. It is important for the survival of humans and other creatures. However, the demand of water is increasing day after day due to the increasing population growth. So, it is a demand that we should find ways to optimize our water using in different areas in order to conserve it as much as possible. Construction sector is one of the main sectors that use water in enormous quantities. It is used in concrete and cast stone as inherent and curing component. Also, it became a wastewater after being used in stone industry (in the sawing stage). In this research, water resulted from stone industry -Which is called slurry wastewater- is going to be used as a replacement of fresh tap water in the production of cast stone. In order to study the effect of using this water, samples of cast stone with different water to cement ratios and different replacements of slurry wastewater with fresh tap water are prepared. The tests adopted are compressive strength test, slump test, and absorption. Cubic samples with 10x10x10cm dimensions are prepared. 8 samples are prepared for each mix. For compressive strength, 4 samples are tested after 7 days of curing and the other 4 samples are tested after 28 days of curing. Slump test is done immediately after preparing the mix. The absorption of 4 samples in each mix is measured after 28 days of curing. The results showed that using slurry wastewater does not affect slump significantly. All Mixes with w/c=0.5 resulted in shear slump. However, mixes with w/c=0.7 examined zero slump except those with 20% and 100% replacements that examined 48 and 20mm respectively. Mixes with w/c=0.8 are all examined zero slump. Results also shows that as slurry wastewater replacement increases, absorption increases. For compressive strength, results showed that mixes with w/c=0.6 examined decreasing compressive strength after 28 days of curing. using w/c=0.7, compressive strength decreases as slurry wastewater replacement increases. Also, mixes with w/c=0.8 examined reduction of compressive as slurry wastewater replacement increases.