Android Cooking Application

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Darwish, Eman
A. Aziz, Mai
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Oui Chef is an Android app developed to help people deciding what to cook. This app enables people to search by the ingredients they have in their fridges, this saves time and food from being wasted, also Oui Chef enable users to search by recipe name. Each user can add recipes to the app, in home page suggestion recipes are showed depending on the recipes are searched by user, also each account has shopping list help the user by showing him the missing ingredients of the chosen recipe. Oui app contain calories calculator, any recipe’s number of calories in the app or added by users will be computed by this calculator. This calculator helps the app to suggest recipes depending on the user information he added in sign up, this information’s can be height, weight, dieting and vegetarian or not. The recipes displayed to the user in home page, are defined by an algorithm called neighborhood recommendation algorithm, also, this algorithm is used to suggest other user to follow by calculated numerical possibilities. Oui chef contains multiple categories which contain all the recipes in the app, the recipes divided to these categories by a defined rule. All displayed separately to the user when he chooses to. The chosen recipe by user is displayed with all the information needed, the user can change the servings number and the ingredients amount will be recalculated, a shopping list is attached so user can define the ingredients needed to buy. The user also can comment to the recipe to put a feedback of the recipe. Users can follow each other and check their profiles, and there a notification system attached to it, when a user you are following added a new recipe, he will be notified.